Chapter 20; A horrible place

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Ross's P.O.V

The whole world seemed white. The walls were white. The doctors wore white coats. The families, waiting for their loved ones, had white faces, pale from fear and exhaustion. My knuckles were white with gripping the ghastly yellow chairs in frustration, anger and fear. 

The tears never ceased. They were ever-flowing. The doctors hadn't told me anything. I wasn't family and even though my family and I had argued all we could that we were basically like family to her the doctors wouldn't budge. They were ice-cold. I thought doctors were the ones whose jobs were to  reassure and comfort worried ones. I was dead wrong. Dead.

I couldn't bring myself to think the words. Death was an obvious possibility for the future, but I didn't realise the future was the present. Laura could die. She could be lying cold in her hospital bed and we wouldn't know. Because of these fucking doctors!

My anger boiled over and I sprinted over to the nearest doctor. "LET ME SEE HER! YOU HAVE TO LET ME SEE HER!" I grasped the collar of the frightened doctor. My elbows tried to get out of Rocky and Riker's hold but they were stronger than me and I was out of energy. I collapsed to the ground in tears. "Why won't they let me see her?" I cried out between sobs. 

"They're just doing their job Ross." Rocky said wisely like the older brother he was. His soothing words made me calm down. He was right. They were only doing their jobs. With that in mind, I slowly made my way to the dreadfully colored chairs and slumped down in an uncomfortable position.

I had no energy left. I was exhausted. My knuckles were sore from punching the young man who had hit Laura and my knees were scraped open, now covered in dry blood. My face was dried up too but from a different type of liquid. Salty tears. Despite the aching of my knees, hands and heart and my apparent exhaustion, I doubted I could fall asleep. I was wrong. Quickly after I had returned to my seat, my eyelids fluttered close and I was fast asleep. 

Laura's P.O.V

I felt like my body was a piece of shattered glass. It was broken. Not only my bones and limbs but my heart and for some reason it wasn't the physical pain that hurt the most. It was the emotional one. Mark basically claimed that it was inevitable that Ross would hurt me and he was right, I was hurt, but it wasn't Ross's fault. It was my own. I had opened up to him. I had kissed him. I had worn my heart on my sleeve and it was impossible to wedge it up to the place where it purposely belonged. I knew my feelings for Ross were wrong all along but how could something so wrong feel so right?

The questions in my head and the aching of my body longed for a good sit down with my ever-loyal companions, Ben and Jerry. However, no matter how hard I tried to open my eyes and rise to a sitting position, I couldn't. Throughout my hard-effort trials, my body remained dead still. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak.  I couldn't open my eyes. While my mind was wide awake and alert, my body was dead. 

Ross's P.O.V 

Riker had shook me awake, alerting me that Laura's parents and sister had arrived at the hospital and were now talking to the doctor who I had barked at earlier that night. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her families eyes fill with the sorrow and heartache I had felt that day. Laura's mom threw her head back in desperate cries as her husband embraced her in a tight, comforting hug. I could hear the doctor's small whisper if I strained my neck to the side. "She's in a medically induced coma. Her spine is bruised and she has several broken ribs on the right side of her torso. There were some major internal bleeding in her abdomen but we managed to get it under control during the surgery. She has also suffered a severe concussion. Her kneecap is broken in about five pieces so she is in a cast for now. You have to be prepared. Though she will most likely wake up from the coma in a couple of days, her injuries will require hard work and dedication with physical therapy. We have a long road ahead of us and it will for certain not be an easy one. 

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