Chapter Two

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"It is so good to see you boys." I lied cleanly through my teeth as all five boys entered my home. "I thought you all were on tour in America?" I questioned, hoping they were only back in London for the day though my gut told me otherwise.

"It's over! It was amazing, seeing all the fans all over again. But we'e missed home, we've missed you! So Paul gave us time off, a lot of time." Louis hugged me again, a small laugh escaping from my mouth. "Come on Danni, I know you've missed us too." He smiled, plopping down on my couch where Zayn and Harry were already making themselves comfortable. Niall sat on the floor in front of them while Liam had made himself very comfy on my only remaining recliner. D had spilled her milk all over the other so I had to get rid of it. I chose to lean against the island between the living room and the kitchen, meeting all of their gazes. I remembered the old days when they were first made a band, I was their hairdresser, learning under the amazing Lou Teasdale. I was with them for two years, hanging with them, playing video games, movie nights, long rehearsals. I even traveled the world with them till I got into Oxford. A thick Irish accent broke into my memories and dragged me back to reality.

"We're moving back in next door." Niall was elated at being back, I could see it in his shiny blue eyes.

"Great." I tried to sound excited. "Just like old times." I swallowed my nerves, what could possibly go wrong?

"So you up for a movie night?" Liam was leaning over the arm of the chair and was rummaging through my small movie collection in the drawer beside his chair. "I could have sworn you had more than this." He mumbled, looking up at me. I walked over to what looked like an open bookcase, creaking open the painted doors to reveal ten shelves full of movies. At this point all five of the boys jumped up and began looking through the DVDs.

I slipped down the hall to D's room as their attention was claimed, she was asleep in her pile of stuffed animals. Fufi was held tightly in her grasp as I moved her to her crib, slipping back into the living room. I don't think they noticed I was gone. Liam was face to face with Harry, anger clear in their eyes, Louis was beside Harry while Niall was beside Liam glaring at each other like the other two boys. Great, they were on sides. Zayn was gazing on with amusement from the couch.

"We should watch 'Batman' or 'Toy Story', we could go for a good action film." Liam held up both movies in one while poking the curly haired boy in the chest with the other hand. "Not some chick-flick!" He frowned at harry, Niall replaying his face to Louis.

"'Love Actually' is not a chick-flick!" Harry through his hands up for dramatic effect. I giggled at their childish anger over a simple movie choice. Bad idea. They all turned to me, determination glittering in all four pairs of eyes. "Which do you want to watch Danni?" Harry asked while the other boys gazed at me, I glanced at Zayn and he shifted his brown eyes towards Liam's hand.

"Batman. I haven't watched that movie in a while." I smiled, Harry hung his head in defeat.

"Fine, Batman it is." He sighed, falling back on the couch beside Zayn, Louis joining them.

"Yes!" Liam shot me a wink and went to put the movie in.

"What, we're watching it now?" I looked out the still open balcony at the bright sun shining in. "I thought you said movie 'night'?" I emphasised night.

"Fine, we'll come back later tonight." Louis stood and pulled Zayn and Harry with him, Liam and Niall following after. I got hugs from each boy and basically shoved them out the door, waving as they made their way down the stone path. The slam echoed around the house as I closed the door, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

"Mummy?" D had walked in with hands rubbing her drooping eyes, gathering my thin leg in her small arm, my panicked slam must have woken her. "Where everyone goed?" She blinked up at me, the usually curious hazel eyes were questioning.

"They went home baby, they'll be back tonight." I scooped her up in my shaking arms, hugging her close. I tried to seem calm for my daughters sake but I was scared. No, I was terrified. The boys didn't know about her, they never knew I was even pregnant. I was going to keep this secret from them as long as possible, hiding my daughter from the pain I was suffering. Since even I didn't know who was her father, But I knew the only three guys it could be, I would keep her away from them. "Come on D, lets go to the park." She ran off to her room. I figured the boys would stay home if I'm out late. I hoped my head was right, it's not like they would wait to long for me to get home. I followed D into her room, grabbing our coats before helping D into one of her sundresses and shoes.

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