Chapter Six

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"I love you." I kissed Darcy's cheek as she hugged me one more time before running off to play with the two twin girls about her age playing in the joining room. I stood up and watched her sit beside them and join in instantly. A young woman with her black hair up in a messy bun and bright green eyes stood next to me and watched the kids for a moment before she looked over at me. Turning to her I hugged her as well. "Hannah, I can't thank you enough for watching her for a few hours, I have loads to do and no time to do any of it." I gave her a tired smile that she returned brightly.

"It's no trouble Danni, besides, Lucy and Martha love Darcy. As do Keith and I." My good friend returned my hug and turned me towards the door. "Now go on, you've got the day to yourself. Promise me you'll enjoy it." She shot me a wink as I waved to her from the front steps, standing there till she closed the door. I sighed and made my way back to my car, taking a moment to calm down before I started the engine and headed home.


Walking up to my front door carrying heaps of bags without dropping one item was something I took great pride in, while I shut the door behind me I looked back on my accomplishment with a small smile.

"Hello love!"

I swear I would have pissed myself if I had had to pee. The bags I was carrying crashed to the floor in a heap as I jumped from the surprise of once more coming home to a house full of European men.

"I swear to... I really need to buy a new lock." I grumbled as I bent down and collected my bruised food items, the owner of the greeting came over to help me with the job.

"Sorry Danni, didn't know you'd jump like that." Louis gave me a sheepish grin as he picked up the last bag and we moved this party to the kitchen.

"Don't worry about it, I guess I'm going to have to get use to it." I mumbled while putting things away.

"Of course you'll get use to it." Louis patted me on the head and slipped away down the hall. I frowned in his general direction but turned back to finish my chore of placing the dented cans in the cabinets.

"Need some help?" Harry took the two cans from me and place them on the top shelf I had been stretching up on my tippy-toes trying to reach.

I looked down at the other cans and moved them around the counter top pointlessly to avoid his eyes. "No thanks, I think I can handle this." I cleared my throat and continued my task. Harry shrugged and leaned against the counter beside me, I couldn't help but cast quick glances at him now and again. He watched me for a few minutes before he spoke again.

"Where's Darcy?"

"A friends house."

"Oh..." Finished with the cans I sighed and turned to him, unable to put the conversation off any longer.

"I'm really sorry Harry, I know you'd be a great dad but like I said before, I don't want too much change for her. Not yet at least. Please accept that." I met his warm understanding gaze and he let out his own sigh.

"Alright. I'll stop bothering you about it, but I have another question." Now my mind turned to confusion, what could he possibly need to ask. "What about us?" I knew this would come up eventually. Sure I still loved him but after all the crap I went through I wasn't sure now was the time to get back together.

"I'm not sure, I need to think about it." I smiled and gave him a thoughtful look, he smiled that adorable cheeky grin and I almost gave in just then and had him sweep me off my feet. "I'm harder to get this time 'round." I slipped around him and heard a soft laugh escape his mouth.

"You always have been a hard girl to win." I rolled my eyes but my heart skipped a beat, the butterflies in my stomach flapping harder then a tornado.

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