Chapter Three

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Ally's POV I felt eyes on us as I pulled Austin by the wrist out of the party. When we got to his car, even though he was still steaming from the confrontation with Dallas, he still thought to open the door for me. .

Ally: Thanks Austin. For what you did back there.

Austin: Anytime Ally.

Ally: <realizes she never let go of his wrist> oh, sorry. <drops it>

Austin: No, you don't have to be sorry. <holds his hand back out> Are you sorry?

Ally: <in answer places hand back over hers & intertwined their fingers>

Austin: <smiles and pulls onto road> .

Austin's POV: Everything was perfect. My career was taking off and I'm pretty sure I just got Ally back. I turned the radio on. .

Radio Announcer: And now, a new single from Austin Moonband his partner Ally Dawson, You Can Come To Me! <plays song> .

Ally's POV: We sang along to the song and rolled down the windows and I leaned my head out the window at a stoplight. The light turned green and Austin drove on and halfway through the intersection, there was the deafening sound of a truck horn. I turned to find blinding headlights and barely had enough time to scream before I heard a crunch, and the world went black. . . 

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