Chapter Four

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Austin's POV: 

"What the hell were you thinking Austin?!" Dez was never, ever even serious, let alone mad, but he was now. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know it was stupid. I'm already worried enough, so could you not..."

I heard Trish asking to speak to me.

"When I see you I swear...."

"Austin?" Trish's voice came on the phone. She seemed worried. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a little bruised. And one gash they were able to stitch up." 

"How is she?"

"I don't know. She hasn't woken up yet."

A doctor patted my shoulder. "Mr. Moon? Ms. Dawson just woke up. She asked to see you specifically."

"Okay, thank-you..." I spoke into the phone. "She just woke up, I gotta go."

I followed the doctor down the hall to her room."She's right in there." He opened the door and I hesitantly stepped in. 

"Austin?" her voice sounded weak, and I saw her strain her neck to see around the nurse who was taking her blood pressure. 

"Miss, you need to hold still." the nurse said.

"Of course, ma'am" Ally laid back until the nurse was done.

"Okay, sir, you can come on in now." the nurse told me as she scooted around me with her cart.

"Austin." she sounded relieved, as if I were the only thing she'd have to see to heal her all up. '

I could see this wasn't the case. She was on an oxygen machine, and her face was really bruised up and her arm was in a sling. 

"Hey Al-ally..." I thought that I'd be able to keep my cool, try to be strong for her, but  I couldn't hide how scared and guilty I felt. I went over to her, got on my knees and just cried. 

"Hey, hey..." she murmured, running her fingers through my hair. "It wasn't your fault."

"ALLY!" I raised my voice but then lowered it because I could see it frightened her. "I was drinking. I shouldn't have been driving." 

"Yeah, well took an alcohol test on that guy who hit us and his level was at 3.7. You only had one drink." She said quietly.

 "Ally, you have no idea, how much you mean to me, and what I would do if something happened to you..." I was on the verge of crying again.

"Austin, none of it matters right now. What I need from you, right now is for you to be there for me." she looked at me seriously. "Can you do that?"

"I'll do anything for you, because..." I took a deep breath "Ally, I love you."

"I love you too, Austin." she reached over and grabbed my hand. I leaned in to kiss her, but her father interrupted us.


Ally smiled warmly. "Hey Daddy." 

"Hi Mr Dawson." I said.

"Austin, may I speak to you in private?" 

Uh-oh.... he's probably going to lecture me about how I need to be careful about being "in love" with his daughter...

"Austin, I trust you with Ally. And I know you care about her. I have a business trip coming up. I'm going to go to California for anywhere from two weeks to a few months trying to pitch a line of Sonic Boom stores over there. My flight leaves first thing in the morning." this was not what I was expecting... "I would stay with her but we've been planning this trip for months. Her Mom's coming home in a few weeks early, so I want you to take care of her."

"Really? Of course! She'll be in good hands Mr Dawson." I said.

"You and I, we have something in common; we both love her very much. That's why I trust you."

"Yes, sir, that's true."

"Okay I'm gonna go tell Ally."


Wow, I'll get to spend all this time with Ally....

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