Little Star

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Guys forgive me for this..I was just completely blank and out of ideas so I just wrote down whatever came to my me ideas guys I need them desperately


Out of the room I sneaked
Into the roof top and peeked
To the vast black sky
To spot shooting stars pass by
I twinkling star fell
Beside the ancient well
And I ran to see
If it something it could teach me
I picked it up and sat
On a dusty mat
To my amazement it rose
Just the way they depict in shows
Will you teach me something little star?
Its mouth went open ajar
Wont you cutie pie?
It frowned and asked "why"
I brought it close and said
"Cause you stay above my head
And see the world day
You should have something to say"
It sat down looking sad
"If I tell you,you may feel bad"
"Why so little star" I asked
"Cause I think you are masked
By 'you' I mean the Human race
Who seldom dare to show the face
The real face that they posses
Is hidden behind greed and stress
What I used to see
Was enough to shake me
The humans needed money
And spent it like honey
The humans needed things
And caged bird to sing
Needed every thig fast
Good and should long last
pierced through earth's soul
And her resources they stole
Through her heart you stabbed
Saw gems and instantly grabbed
Cut her hands,the trees
And her organs you did sieze
Wanna hear some more dear girl
How humans' character did fall?"
I shook my head in yes
And I politely did confess
"You love earth I know"
The star furrowed its brow
"But I can't do much
The situations are such
I cant take a big step
Until I get someone's help
Cause these guys are strong
Even if their motive is wrong
Could you do me favour
And be my saviour?
Could you teach me how to fly
And live in the sky?"
"The sky is filled with drones
And the land with needy's groans
You humans are an ace
So much that you even polluted space
Nowhere you go little one
Until this battle is won
Against rational thought and irrational mindset
Nothing good can you get
I sighed this is the reality
And I knew it was my duty
To fight till the torture on earth ends
Aren't you with me? My dear friends?

Author's note: Well hope you like this abab rhyme scheme poem..wasnt in touch with it for long so dont know how it goes....please vote and comment...still retaining the 13th spot here's your poet signing off..until next time be Poetrified.

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