Being The Way That You Are

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Hey there reader...psst I wanna tell you a secret..Do you know where to find the most beautiful person and at what time?
You will find the most beautiful person behind the mirror at the time when you are standing in front of it.

You are the light
You are the charm
You are the night
You can even do harm
But to those who trouble
Not to those who smile
Sometimes you wobble
Yet stand out in your style
You are one of a kind
Certainly no less
You are a wanderer's mind
A pretty little mess
You are a lion at heart
But lamb with the one you love
And the things you start
Seem as if made from above
You are the droplet
Of water on a lilly
Which shines like a pearl
You are so beautiful silly
Yes you are not perfect
But am I either?
All have defect
And we can beat them together
Dont think yourself small
Vulnerable and naive
Hold your head high and tall
Bold confident and brave
You are the Sacrifice of christ
The mischief of Krishna
The mercy of Allah
Filled with charisma
What are you doing out there
With a rope in your hand
Peeping at the fan
Fumbling as you stand
Are you seriously thinking
To let that metal cold
Cut through your skin
Without letting a wonderful future to unfold?
Dont tell me you are
Standing at the edge of it
To jump and end your life
Are you on a fit?
Water gives life
Will you seriously jump in
To prove it the other way round
And commit such a sin
Here listen to me
Look up at the mirror glass
The sparkle in those eyes
Totally of different class
The passion inside bumbling
The past is gone
Come outta your shell
Show life its you who won
You are the moon
The stars and the more
The beat of one direction
Virat's Sixes and fours
You are the rythm of a hymn
A cricket's consistent sound
You are the drops of dew
And a mystery to be found
You are unique
You have that one thing
In which you can beat others
Just out you have to bring
You are the smile of an old
The laughter of a child
The silence of the forest
The danger in the wild
You are the love
You are the hope
You are the compassion
You are the scope
You are the friend
The family member
All you gotta do is
This you have to remember
You never need make up
To cover that beautiful face up
Being the way that you are is
Enough,completely fully enough

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Not to hurt anyones sentimentz but am not quite pleased with the sad and pessimistic poems that I found on wattpad.C'mon guys you all out there are the one way or another...I can write but I can't dance, I'm not a good artist, I can't play drums....big deal? Of course not cause you know whatever I write I put my heart into it and I know am capable of being the best and you are no less.Am so probably writing Optimistic and message-filled poems...yeah sounds boring but wait that completely doesnt mean am not gonna put goofy poems.Btw please vote and comment..commenting helps in improving and knowing what the reader wants so co-operate?? Well I know you will so till my next poem be Poetrified.

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