The Tree Behind My House

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The old tree behind my house
Is of a strange shape
Twisting branches, home to mouse
Birds and bees and apes
But the stranger thing is that
I have never seen a soul
A monkey or bee or gnat
Tall tales about it have been told
They say long ago some persons
Were travelling with some animals
To show their acrobat actions
And then sell their meat and skull
And something unusual happened
When they once came to halt
Right under this tree the ground was dampened
And it is said it was their fault
Fault to what took place
At the stroke of midnight
It is said sins they did embrace
When with God's order they did fight
Animals weren't for show
They weren't made for sale
The persons, rationality let go
And then arose the gale
The wrath of god did strike
In form of gigantic clouds
And the humans obviously didnt like
And shouted for mercy allowed
And the animals were all safe
Inside some secret hollow
Inside the tree a secret cave
And all the men did follow
But their trials were in vain
And the four legged beings prayed
For reducing their pain
And they were painlessly slayed
Occured Eeire things in past
But what makes me wonder
That how did this tree last
In that devastating thunder
Right outside my window
The haphazard tree grows wide
Its branches dangling low
Roots spereading to my side
I still here noises
Of many four legged beings
Sometimes howling voices
And sometimes other scary things
But being the naughty child
Being fearless whatsoever
I decided to venture into the wild
Just once then never
So once in the afternoon
When the whole family but me
Was out and not returning anytime soon
I went near the tree
My heart was thumping loud
My breath was shortened like hell
I was away from the crowd
The feeling I can feel not tell
I turned to my house once
To look for it maybe my last
But no way I was letting go of this chance
Of peeking into the past
And with the great courage I touched
The giant old tree's bark
And out a branched lurched
And I could see a spark
An opening through the tree trunk
Into something dark
Wait if I am not wrong
Did I see a lark?
I pushed the branch and went in
And through the air inside
I could sense the antonym of sin
Coming and far and wide
And what I saw is upto you
Cause what I saw was divine
Late the tale be how it was to
I wont let out the secret cause now this place is mine.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hola guys. Like it? Vote! Opinions? Comment! Both? Do both. And check out my brand new book 'Only Directioners Know'. Why am I so spooky spooky these days?

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