Locked In Your Cold Heart

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"LYDIA STOP, "stiles yelled.


Lydia had gotten help from Scott, Isaac, and Boyd to lock them in one of the coolers they borrowed from Isaac's house. But sense they knew it wouldn't properly hold an alpha, they used stiles chain links, (Scott stole them out of his locker) placed the cooler inside of another slightly larger cooler, chained that cooler, and added a shit load of duct tape . oh, and of course they added a circle of mountain ash and wolfsbane to surround them. There was no way Derek could get them out of this one. But there was no hurt in trying.

Derek took a physical approach on trying to get them out. He pounded and beat the walls of the small cooler but could only put dents in them. And even if he could break one cooler there was still the second cooler that he could not possibly get to. Stiles was afraid he would hit him accidentally so he had pushed himself as far as he could towards the back of the cooler.

Derek punched at the wall of the cooler one more time before admitting defeat and uttering out one last yell. He looked over at stiles and saw him crying.

"Bro, are you ok?" He asked. And even though he was being sincere, stiles wasn't buying it. He was still crying into the sleeve of his flannel with his head in his knees.


"Hey, stiles its ok, I'm sorry if I scared you. "

"No, no, it's not that, I-I just get panic attacks sometimes. I'm sorry. Don't worry about me. It's ok."

Derek didn't know what else to say so he just slumped back against the wall of the cooler. All of a sudden I could here a faint whirring sound, and wind started pouring in the small confined area. I could here LYDIA yelling at us over the whirring. "Cuddle to keep warm,boys haha"

It got very cold, very fast. Derek sighed and called Lydia a bitch under his breath, and how could I blame him?

He opened up his jacket and nodded towards me, ushering me to "cuddle for warmth." I raised my eyebrows in disbelief. "Is the big bad sour wolf seriously considering we cuddle for warmth, cause if you are, I'm totally down for cuddling." I said jokingly.

He gave me another look that basically said: last chance.

I scooted myself closer to him and wiggled underneath his shoulder. Him being a werewolf accounted for having extra body heat and it was much warmer than being bare in the freezing cold cooler. I nuzzled my head into his neck, but that didn't last long because he simply uttered one stern word: "NO."

I instead decided to wrap my arms around his body and hold tight. He allowed this because he could tell I was still shivering.

"You know I don't really hate you, right?" He whispered to me.

This response startled me to be honest, not because of the words, but because of the way he whispered it gently in my ear. So softly it tickled a little. Almost as if he had meant it sexually. I looked up at him and instead of backing up a bit because of how close it made us, he got closer. Forehead to forehead, lips almost touching. He took his free arm and placed his hand on my abs. He was so warm and his finger tips shocked me with the electricity.

This could not be a joke. Derek Hale does not have a sense of humor, nor would he go this far just to test me. But the truth is, I have been in love with him for a long while and it didn't matter if this was a test or not. I was going to take the chance if I had one.

I brought my left hand up to the back of his head and rubbed my hand in his soft hair. He took the arm that he had on my abs and placed it to my face caressing me. He was trembling. Derek Hale was trembling at the touch of me. Me. Stiles Stilinski. I was completely and utterly dumb founded. I slowly pushed his head closer to mine. But not kissing yet. I could feel his breath on my skin. It was cold but felt relaxing despite the conditions of being locked in a cooler. I pulled myself in locking lips with him. The scruff of his beard scratched my face but I did not give two shits. We moved our mouths in and out in synch of each other. His lips where so soft and so where his kisses. It was like I was kissing butterfly's. he placed his tongue against my lips as if asking for permission to enter. I gladly allowed and his tongue entered across my lips. He tasted like mint and chocolate.

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