Taking Control

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Lifes thrown a lot on April these last few year. April is wanting to take control for once. Instead of just blending in she wants to stand out. Make her voice be heard and known. She starts getting her grades up and helping everywhere possible. After school she stays to help clean and if anyone needs her she's there. Everyday she tries to enhance her baking skills and math nerdness. Life can be an ass sometimes and try knocking her down. April just brushes it off and keeps going. This coulded be great but it could destroy her too. People may take advantage of her but this she watches for with a close eye. Daric has helped her in her journey and has made a huge impact in her life for the better. Everytime she feels down his there even if it's a girly topic or just letting her rant. April also deals with racial jokes sometimes for she is half mexican. So joke can be pretty mean and evil. There are some jokes that she can handle and some she'll go along with. Once in a blue moon there will be times she's had to take control. The other day a guy was messing with a girl about her being in a special education class and April was furious. This is where she had to take control she got the girl out of the situation and calmed her down. After seeing that she vowed to never be pushed around.

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