Mom , Home And Eleanor

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I was in mids of nowhere. Everything around me looked strange, though I've seen it a hundred times before. Its not actually my fault that live in some abandon corner, with only few people around.
well , like most normal people I too knew my address by heart, so , I always depended on the cab driver to take me home . I guess today's just not my day .

''Ma'am,if you tell me at lest one landmark close to the place , I'll take you there''.
His Scottish accent made it harder for me to understand.

I sigh , isn't it bad enough that he's new to town and doesn't have any idea where the address is ,now his English is hard to figure out.
frustrated, ''Wait'' i told , as i dialled my moms number. I knew it was a bad idea ,but after countess times of calling my friend Eleanor , who wouldn't answer ,I don't think [ have much of a choice.

''Hey mummy!'' I said sounding nice as nice can be.

''Sweety!, where are you?'' she asked.

''Ahmm well- you -see the cab drivers new so --''

she cut me off saying ''Give him the phone ''she demands , i was slightly relived ,that she understood my problem still I knew i had something bad coming on later. slightly hesitating I handed him the phone .
I knew for sure that I am dead ones I reach home. The driver spoke ,and after some slow nodding he held out the phone toward me.

''Come home '' was all she said before she hung up.
That makes it totaly understandable where my sister get that habit from. *Hang up before your victim they can speak , so you don't have to reason with them, how sadistic. *


As I reached home I silently tried to make my way to my room.

''Don't you think you should say a hi '' come in a voice .

I turned slowly giving my mom one of my giant smiles. Similarly preparing myself for *A Speech*.

''Hi...,mom '' I said, well that's all I said before the time bomb burst.

''Tessie , I am really disappointed , how old do you think you are . Your not a kid anymore ,yet you act so childish and irresponsible , you could get lost and in worst case,kidnapped. Its a shame you cant direct someone , home , a place where you live all your life''.
She stopped ,probably to breath ,its hard to say all that in one breath.
''Tessie what were you even thinking , there are many people out there to harm you ,and if your not careful then no one can be blamed if something happens''.

My head screamed with snotty remarks , but I knew better than to talk when she get into one of her moods .
She was almost done ,before she saw my bandage wrapped hand . 'what happen to your hand ?'she asked .

''I fell '' I told ,softly hoping she wouldn't hear . My bad she has sharp ears.

''careless, irresponsible child. Do you know, how hard it is to look after this family alone. Your dad maybe spending for us , but its me day and night ,looking after you making sure you are safe .And your turning out to be just like him. Why don't you understand it. Why can't you act a bit like Meg , see how responsible she is she truly care and loves me , she understands ,but you''

''Enough '' I said louder than intended ''look I am sorry okay, I'll try to be like Meg if that's all you care about, but right now I am tried and my hand hurts . So if you will excuse me I'm going to my room''.
I didn't stay any longer to find out her reply.

Its not new ,the entire argument thing ,it happens all the time. I know she loves me and that's what make her say things like that ,but what keep nagging me is ,she always pull dad. She tell me I'm, just like him ,as if its a bad thing. Dads always the bad guy in her stories . But i can see it that she love him and misses him too .

five years back, there was this big drama in my family , people stared telling Meg and me that our parent were getting a divorce but things changed , for the best or worst I can't tell.
Dad left us , no divorce ,just left ,told us it was for the best. Ever since then I have never seen him . I used to speak to him once in awhile ,now , its been almost 4 months since we last spoke.
No matter what id always love him , anyway i was his pet ,how could i forget that.
My thought were suddenly entangled with the loud ring tone of my phone. I hit the answer button, then Eleanor's voice screamed in.

''Why did you call me , I am so sorry, I was not at home. Tess was it an emergency, Tessie come on talk...''.
As mad as I was at her ,I couldn't help but smile ,her pathetic sorry voice is always fun to hear.

''Nothing important '' i cluckled .I heard her let out a sigh .

''Why did ya call? ''she asked stressing on the 'did'.

''Well...-'' with that I told her everything that happened today ,obviously skipping the parts at about ,with mom.

''Hmmm- so whats his name again'' she asked.

''Tyler'' I told her unsure if I should continue smiling like a retard .

Eleanor continued, ''Tess I get this feeling in my belly that he's bad new''. I nodded in agreement as she went on. 'If he has a girl friend he's probably messing around asking random girls number. So, hmmm... he's up to no good'
I think so 'I said sadly.*why am I even thinking of this guy I'll never meet him again-God ,girls are so confusing .

''anyway lets forget him, hansom guys are always taken , gay or players'' .
The rest of the conversation was pretty boring.

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