A Damsel In Distress

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Cursing everything in the world I continued looking for Elenore. Unluckily with my phone nowhere to be found I couldn't call her plus I was really too afraid to ask anyone for help. *God! please show me a way.*
Walking close to the side of the pool ,I watched in horror as the prince charming make his way toward me. I had no idea why , but I ran the other direction as fast as I could .
My heart raced a mile a minute ,he was looking for me , why ,what ,everything was going topsy turvy . Slowly hiding my head in the crowd I made my way to where the washrooms were. Don't misjudge me , but my heart froze at what I saw. Was it his insanely sick leather jacket or the way his hair was pushed back or the fact he recognized me ,I really don't know.
'hey! Tessy' said the familiar voice. All Eleanore's warnings streamed through my head . 'Hello' I replied looking around for another escape route .
'You look like you need a drin- he never finished , as I pushed Tyler aside and ran into the washroom , once I spotted the prince charming.
'My heart race , I couldn't think straight, did he see me ,is he looking for me in the first place .
I felt creepy crawly feeling in my stomach .Then I heard a knock on the door . I took a deep breath while preparing what to tell him once I open the door.
'sorry I though you were going to kiss me so I ran away' No.... I moaned that sound so childish ,God ! help.
with another deep sigh I open the door .
Fortunately plus unfortunately it was Tyler. I peeped out looking for the nameless prince, but he was no where to be seen. Relieved I let out a sigh .
'You know there was no need to push ' Tyler stared .'You could have told me you were full or were in a hurry ,I would have let you in . His smirk growing wider.
I raised my eyebrow wondering what he was talking about . It was not long before the wave of realization hit me , as i flushed red.
Could this day get any worse.

And the answer is Y-E-S.
I squealed in frustration ,as the beep sounded and the message of the voice mail appear .'Whats the time' broke in Tyler's voice . Making a face I handed his phone back to him.
He clucked , 'You better stop doing stuff like that or I swear I'll run into something.
'What!!!'? I said louder than intended . He laugh again and said 'Your doing it again '
'What...?'I moaned
I probably looked /sounded like a pathetic helpless creature [damsel in distress] and could you blame me, N-O.
My friend ditched me and now I am stuck in a car with a stranger ,trying to find away home , which Seemed far far way .
mom wont even know I am gone , she wont look for me until tomorrow. Who know what Tyler is capable of. All of them are going to regret it for not answering my calls.
'Don't think too much sweetie ' Tyler said .'What I meant was stop being so cute'.
That was a plain compliment but it freaked the hell out of me.
Maybe I was over thinking but all the creepy kidnapping stories played through my head.
'Your dead 'said one voice in my head. 'Why did you accept the ride you home ' screamed another.
' Because I knew no one else ' I told out loud .
'What ?' he asked as he turned towards me ,then his face change into a serious expression .
'Are - you -okay?'inquired the devil.
Tyler... 'stammered. 'thanks ,but you can drop me off around here ,I'll find a cab...'
'Nope - no way ,you can't even tell me exactly where you live and how are you going to tell a taxi driver. you know what ,I'll take you to my place . Then we'll find something out in the morning , its 2:40 now'
I sighed deeply in fear.
'Are you scared 'he asked still with that serious expression .
'Look ' he continued , 'you can trust me I wanna help, you see I have a sister , and I wouldn't wish anything like this to happen to her someday .
With the look he was giving, its pretty hard not to trust him , maybe that was one of his talents .
With no other choice I agree . What else could go wrong.

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