Thanksgiving With the Stilinski-Hale's

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Happy Thanksgiving!

"So Dad and Melissa are coming tomorrow morning, they're going to watch the twins while I cook, and then Peter said that he could be in late so we need to save him a plate. Scott told me that he's coming mid-morning since it takes him and Kira a while to get the kids together." Stiles says, scrolling through his tablet as he makes mental notes as he goes to check on something. Derek looks up at him above his glasses, and he sighs as he closes his book. "So if I wake up at six then I can check the turkey before the babies wake up." Stiles muses, and Derek sighs as he turns to follow him with a roll of his eyes.

"Honey. You need to relax because you're making my stomach hurt and I don't want to think about tomorrow. You know that I only like about six people in the world and I don't care about anyone else. Why couldn't we have just went over to John's like we always do? Why did we have to host it?" Derek asks him, and Stiles peaks his head into the room and he rolls his eyes. "I'm just saying. You're going to cook an entire meal with the twins pulling on your pants and Ivy crying every two hours? You're asking to cry, and you can't get drunk. You told me that we're dads now and we can't drink like we used too." Derek points out, and Stiles rolls his eyes as he nods his head.

"I know. Just leave me alone while I stress about it. It's only going to be day." Stiles says, and Derek nods his head as he kisses his cheek before he goes off when their youngest daughter starts to cry. "You get that while I check pinterest." Stiles says, and Derek huffs as he walks off to the nursery to see why his daughter is crying. The twins, they're five and make Derek feel old, and they're peeking into the room.

"Papa! Ivy is so loud. Why is she so loud?" Clark says, and his twin, Casper nods his head in agreement as they follow him into the room. They look just like Stiles, which would be obvious since they used Stiles' sperm for the surrogate, and they act like him too which is another reason they make Derek feel old since they're just two balls of energy. "Did she poop? She does that when she poops in her diaper." Clark adds on, and Derek picks her up and he sniffs her.

"Nope. She didn't poop. She's probably hungry then and lonely. She loves to cuddle." Derek says, kissing Ivy's cheek as he puts her on his hip. Casper pulls on his pant leg since he likes to look at his sister, and Derek shows her to him while he smiles at her. "Come on, boys. It's bed time." Derek says, walking towards their room.

"Does Ivy like to cuddle since she's a werewolf?" Casper asks him, climbing into his bed. He and his brother normally share a bed, Derek has no idea when they're going to grow out of that but he's not worried, and he tucks them in one handed while he holds Ivy in his arm. "Uncle Scott said his baby likes to cuddle cause she's a wolf." Casper adds on, and Derek smiles at him.

"You like to cuddle and you're not a wolf." Derek says, kissing his head as he walks towards Daniel's bed to do the same for him. Clark is jumping on his bed, and Derek snaps his fingers at him before he points to the bed for him to lay down. Clark looks at him like he wants to argue but Derek gives him a firm look before he nods his head as he lays down in bed. "Thank you, Clark. Give me kiss." Derek says, and Clark kisses his cheek before he tickles Ivy's feet to make her giggle. "I love you. Dad will come in to tell you goodnight." Derek tells them, making sure that their nightlight is on before he walks downstairs to make Ivy a bottle.

"Night, Papa." Casper calls, his voice sleepy making Derek smiles as he leaves the door open a crack. Stiles is walking towards them and he slaps Derek's ass as he walks into their room to tell them goodnight. Derek rolls his eyes as he walks downstairs and he gives Ivy a bottle, and he kiss her cheek.

"Daddy is crazy." Derek coos at her, and Ivy looks at him while she drinks her bottle and she blinks at him. "I'll take that as you saying you agree." Derek says, walking up to his room with her. "You're coming with me. Snuggle with papa." Derek says, kissing her head. Stiles walks behind him, coughing something about being codependency, and Derek glares at him while he gets into the bed with her. "Turn off your tablet and get into bed and shut up." Derek says, and Stiles mumbles under his breath.

Sterek One-Shots Book Three (BoyxBoy) Where stories live. Discover now