The Changing (Part Three of the Count Derek Series)

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Derek wakes with a start, he didn't even realize that he was sleeping, and he looks around to see Stiles clawing at the door. "Stiles?" Derek says, and Stiles turns towards him before launching himself at the other man.


Derek jumps back from the bed in a flash, looking up at the other man and he doesn't say again as Stiles spins around the room as he tries to figure out where he is. He gives up on attacking Derek, Derek is glad since Stiles could be stronger than him if he's not careful, and he watches him. "Stiles? Hey, it's okay. What do you remember?" Derek asks him, softly as he looks at him. He doesn't move closer at first, mostly because Stiles is panting roughly as he looks around while in a confused state, and Derek doesn't want to make it worse by making him talk.

Stiles turns his head towards him, his eyes seemingly unfocused, and he narrows his eyes at him. "What happened, Derek?" Stiles asks him, looking at him with a curious sigh as he goes to sit down on the bed. Derek doesn't say anything as he sits down on the bed next to him, he's not sure how to start this conversation but he knows that he has to, and he reaches out to touch Stiles' shoulder. Stiles doesn't jump, he turns towards him, and Derek sees that his eyes are black. "What happened to me?" Stiles asks him, rubbing his throat. He's thirsty, Derek remembers the pain of being so thirsty that he couldn't breathe. "Where's my dad?" Stiles asks him, and Derek sighs. He doesn't want to answer that since it's going to be awhile before Stiles can see his father, if at all.

"Let me get you something to drink." Derek tells him, instead. Stiles nods his head as he sits down on the bed again, and Derek flees from the room to the kitchen. He figures that he should just blurt out what he's done, and he goes to get some of the blood that he's got stockpiled in his refrigerator. He pours it into a dark colored cup, not really wanting Stiles to see what it is before he drinks it, and he walks back to the room. "Do you need a straw?" Derek asks him, and Stiles snatches the cup from him before he starts drinking it. Derek watches his throat move as he swallows down the blood, and he reaches forward to wipe some off of his chin when it spills. Stiles drinks the entire cup before stopping, and he looks at Derek. "Better?" He asks him, and Stiles nods his head.

"Yeah, what was that? It was really good." Stiles says, looking down at the cup as he wishes for more since it was good. It was nothing like he ever tasted it, a bittersweet but still delicious, and he hands it back to Derek in hopes of more. "Can I have more?" He asks him, feeling better. "It's a been a while, Derek. I was looking forward to seeing you again." Stiles says, and Derek takes the cup before rushing to the kitchen. Stiles jogs to follow him, and in a second he's in the kitchen. "It's blood?!" Stiles screeches, seeing Derek pouring the blood into the glass.

Derek jumps, he hadn't heard Stiles following after him, and he turns to look at him. He's a little amazed by that, and he's not really sure what he's supposed to say to him. "Yes, I bit you. I'm sorry, Stiles, you were dying." Derek says, and Stiles looks at him before he runs off. "Shit, Stiles, stop!" Derek yells, chasing after him before he gets to the door. Stiles doesn't listen, and he rips open the door before howling in pain. The sunlight bleeds into the room, making Stiles howl in pain as he backs away, and Derek slams the door shut while he gets his arm burned a little in the process. Stiles is gasping in pain on his back, and Derek flashes his fangs at him in a way to chastise him for being stupid. Stiles has always known that vampires can't go into the sunlight, and Derek leans down to help him up.

"Ow, don't move me." Stiles whines, and Derek sighs as he goes to get him some ice to put on his face and hands. "I'm sorry. That was stupid. I didn't mean it." Stiles says, and Derek doesn't understand what he means by the last part but he nods his head as he rests the cool ice on his burns. His hands are burned too, but he's learned to ignore it or at the very least not let it show how much it hurts. "What do you mean I was dying?" Stiles asks him, covering his face with the wet cloth since it feels better. Derek sighs as he sits down on the floor next to him, and he licks his lips nervously.

Sterek One-Shots Book Three (BoyxBoy) Where stories live. Discover now