Begging on my Knees (Mature Content)

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Requested by Studentnurse69. 


Stiles smiles as he looks across the classroom, and he winks at Derek which earns him a scowl and a reluctant smile in return. "I love you." Stiles mouths at him, and Derek rolls his eyes as he starts to pass papers back. They don't get to sit with each other, the professor sat them alphabetically to make it easier for him to hand out grades, so sadly Derek was up at the front with the H's and Stiles was stuck in the back with the S's. At least it was only one class, but it was the only class that they shared together. Stiles watches Derek for a second before he went back to his test when he got it, and he quickly lost focus on his boyfriend for something that was a bit more important at the moment.

Derek struggles in this class, unlike Stiles, so Stiles watches him as soon as he's done with test. Derek's tongue is sticking out, and he's looking at the window with such concentration that Stiles has to smile. Derek must have thought of the answer before he makes a muted noise before he writes something down on the paper. He's probably just on the first page while Stiles is finished, but Stiles is a fast test taker. If he doesn't know the answer he just moves on. "Mr. Stilinski, as much as I appreciate the loving glances you're sending Mr. Hale's way it's time for you to move on." The professor says, and the tips of Derek's ears turn red as Stiles grins.

"Yes, ma'am!" Stiles shouts at her, and he goes back to his test before checking his answers. Stiles stands up before he walks over to turn his test in, and he winks at Derek before he leaves. He knows that it will take Derek a few more minutes, if not the rest of the two-hour class, to finish so he heads back to their shared dorm room.


Stiles is fast asleep by the time that Derek gets back, and he wakes with a start. "What?" Stiles wonders, and Derek snorts as he puts his bag down. "What took you so long?" Stiles yawns, rubbing his eyes as he looks at him.

"I wanted so that Professor Cain could grade my test. I passed with a seventy-four." Derek brags, and Stiles grins at him proudly. Stiles probably made the highest grade in the class, he usually sets the curve, and he rolls over. "That's not counting the curve. So if someone doesn't make another hundred again and ruin everything. I might get a few extra points." Derek says, and Stiles shrugs without a care. "You want to get something to eat? To celebrate?" Derek asks, and Stiles hums as he looks at his phone.

"Lydia's throwing a party at her house tonight." Stiles says, hopefully. Derek quirks his lips since he hates parties but Stiles definitely doesn't. "Come on. To celebrate another test that we did! You know I love a good party." Stiles says, and Derek rolls his eyes.

"Yeah. You like them a bit too much." Derek says, and Stiles grabs his chest in mock shock. "You always drink too much, and then I have to take you home. All the way you're screeching top forty songs off key." Derek says, and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"I resent that. You just don't know how to have fun." Stiles says, and he grins at Derek's little pout since it's so cute. "Okay, fine. You do know how to have fun with me." Stiles says, wrinkling his eyebrows at him. "Just come with me, and I'll show you a good time." Stiles says, and Derek sighs as he struggles out of his jacket.

"No. I'm not going." Derek says, in a final tone that makes Stiles frown deeply. It's always funnier when Derek comes with him, but he sighs as he looks at him. "You can go and have fun without me all you want." Derek says, and Stiles huffs as he grabs his coat before he stomps out of the small dorm. Derek sighs as he looks at him, and he goes to get started on his homework since he doubts that Stiles will be home soon.

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