Chapter 4: The Flames with in

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I was back in the darkness where I was before. I looked around and seen nothing but me just standing there on the shattered crystal. I started to look at my self and I knew this wasn't my body it was someone else's that looked exactly like me. The voice came back but it was different it was my voice but in my head. "Don't worry about this new body it's still you just now its whole."

"Whoa wait a minute who said that?"

"I did."

I jumped a little from the last response and begin looking for the voice. I looked all around me in the darkness but they only thing I could see was the soft glow of flames coming from my hands. That's when I realized the voice was inside my head and not out of nowhere. I thought I was losing my mind but it couldn't be I'm a normal sixteen year old girl who must be having a bad dream. "You're not having a bad dream Jade your inside your mind with me."

"Huh what do you mean inside my mind?!"

"Well you just now passed out from over using your powers just now so I brought you here to talk to you."

"Oh ok I see... Wait What Do You Mean By Overusing My Powers!?

"Well how or where do I start to explain this to you?"

"Well since I'm apparently passed out might as well tell me something or start from the beginning."

"Ok well your only 25% human..."

"Whoa What Are you saying I'm not even normal!?"

"Yes because you were 100% human when you was still inside your mom's belly till the accident happened."

"So wait your telling me an accident is making flames come busting out of my hand like this?"

"Yes when your parents where...."

I started to disappear in the darkness and I could feel the heat and the sweat on my body as I was slowly coming back into consciousness. The room was a little blurry till my vision clearing up and my head was laying on something soft. I looked up and seen my mom there and I then realized my head was in my mom's lap. I was about to say something when my tummy growled out load. "Oh Jade your awake and how you feeling?"

"I'm fine mom I think I've hand a really bad dream and I'm really hungry I feel like I haven't eaten in days."

"Ok jade will get you something to eat."

"Ok thank you mom."

"Athena dear can you get a bowl of rice off the stove for jade?"


Athena brought me the rice in a little bowl and I slowly leaned up and started eating it. My mom and Athena where both looking at me the whole time and it made me feel uneasy. "Will you pleas..."

At that moment flames busted out my hands but they where smaller this time and I started to feel hungry again. Mom and Athena jumped back a little and then looked at me. I was freaking out from what was happing to me I was about to have a panic attack. I then felt my mom and Athena hold me to calm me down, while they held me the flames on my hands slowly started to die out. I looked at my hands and they weren't burnt like before but the bowl was slightly melted and the rice was burnt. My mom looked at the half melted bowl and then at me. "Jade how did you did you do that or how did you even do that?"

"I don't know mom it just happened I don't know what is happening to me ever since last nights dream iv felt... different."

"Oh I see..."

"Wait what dream? You've never told me about this dream."

I looked at my hands and could fell the warmth with in them. I was trying to rationalize what in the world is going to happen to me since these weird fire ability's. I was in deep though looking down at my hands and wondering, when I felt the heat around me for a second then my broke train of thought. I looked up and seen my mom looking at me worried. I'm guessing all that happened to me today was more then we could handle even for some one at my age I'm particle about to loss my mind. "Jade what are you talking about a dream you had last night!?"

I looked up at my mom and seen the looks in her trey eyes. They looked like she was about to cry from how worried she must have been about me and how I was trapped in that burning building and how flames where coming out of my hands. So I took a deep breath and then slow exhaled told her about the dream. She took a big breath of relief and I could tell she was still worried about the fire coming out of my hands and fire being manipulated.

I started feeling weird again and the flames busted out of my hands again and it scared me and moved my hands fast from me and a small ball of fire flew out and landed on some plants in the hallway. Athena ran to get some water to put out the fire while I held out my flaming hands and looked at them with aww. My mother and Athena now where in a panic to put out the fire as I stood up and started to walk over to the other bowl of rice on the stove. I got me a small bowl and chowed down on the rice as fast as I could before the flames could burn the rice. When I finished the flames grew to my elbow and was brighter than before.

I turned around and seen mom and Athena looking at me exhausted. "Jade did your flames grow?"

"Yes mom I think when I eat food they grow in size."

"That's weird isn't it Athena?"

"Ya it is and considering who knows what's going on with jade shooting flames everywhere like fire works."

"Umm... I'm still here."

"We know Athena was joking couldn't you tell?"

"No not really it's hard to tell when you guys joke about stuff sometimes."

"Oh well it was funny jade."

"Ok I see... -yawn- I'm starting to feel tired."

I felt the flames on my hands slowly die out and I guessed I burnt up a lot of energy having the flames freely burning like they where. I asked mom then if she could help me get up to my bed since I didn't think I was capable of doing it with out falling asleep on the way. As mom helped me walk up the stairs all I could think about was that weird dream and the new voice I was hearing and how I accidentally burnt mom's plants. When I got to my hammock I laid back in it and told my mom good night. After she left and turned off the lights I was looking at my amaranth hair wounding what made it change. I was looking at it till I got sick of it and fell asleep.  

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