Chapter 24

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(My sleep pile from the 27th November I think aha)

"Meow" was the first thing I heard when I woke up and I smiled. I pushed myself up so I was leaning against the headboard. A small figure lurked at the end of my bed and I smiled slightly remembering how I got him. Leaning forward I grabbed the small kitten and brought him towards me to give him a cuddle. Buddy looked as if he would be 6-7 weeks old.

Considering it was Sunday my goal today was just to record a couple of shadowcraft videos today. Pulling myself away from the kitten I sat on my desk char not bothering to get changed or anything as I was not going to have a face cam on for any of the episodes.

"Hey guys, its ldshdaowlady and welcome to another episode of shadowcraft. Today we are going to carry on expanding the shell of a house I call home" 3 intros later I was filming the last episode for today.
"If you would like to name one of the next animals leave a comment down below and it could be used. See you in the next episode." I looked down in the corner of my screen to see the time was 2:30 pm and I hadn't eaten lunch yet or fed buddy, no wonder he was meowing at me an hour ago.

Standing up I grabbed a packet of cat food that had been placed in the box and poured it into a little bowl I have in my room after rinsing it of anything that would harm buddy. Buddy began to purr as he ate his food and I stroked him before leaving the room to get some water for him and some brunch for me. This brunch just being a sandwich with cheese in it. Carefully i Carried the food upstairs and put the water next to buddy's now empty food bowl. Sitting on the edge of my bed i took a bite of my sandwich and then almost spat it out, lactose free cheese. Ew. I don't even know why we have this cheese none of the people in my family eat it.

Its possible that Maddie might like it So i picked up the sandwich to her room and knocked on her door. "Madddieeeeeeee" I called knocking frantically. "What do you want!" She called. "Let me in!" I whined. "Open the door yourself Lizzie." "Lazy" I mumbled under my breath before pulling down the handle and stepping into her room. Unlike me Maddie was changed and had done her hair and makeup. "Well don't you look smashing." She joked looking me up and down. "Shut up I have been recording all morning and I just went to get late brunch and I made a lactose free sandwich and I didn't like it so do you want it?" I explained and asked "yeah, it's my cheese and I haven't eaten lunch yet." Oh, well that's good but why does she eat this cheese. I shrugged and placed the plate on her bedside table and left calling out bye as I walked to my room to finally get changed.

Grabbing out some black skinny jeans and a blue flowy shirt I got changed and put on my hair curlers. Whilst I waited for them to heat up I brushed through my hair and grabbed my phone.


<L- Lizzie
A- Alexa>

L- hey Alexa wanna meet up and go to town? I need new hair dye and I want to talk to you.

A- yeah sure Liz when and where do you want to meet?

L- 4ish and can we meet outside new look, I fancy a 'new look' Hahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha

A- Lizzie that is the worst joke i have ever heard you say.

Oh yeah I forgot Alexa was a fan before she was my friend.

L- shush my jokes are amazing. I got to go before my curlers set my house on fire, see you in half an hour :3

A- only just getting up? You lazy son of a fish. I'll see you soon Lizzie.


I smiled putting down my phone and grabbing my now hot hair curlers and proceeded to curl my hair. I started to hum to lights and decided to put they're album on whilst I got ready. 4 songs later I had curled my hair and done my make up and decided to make a move and walk to town grabbing a bag I placed in my purse and some other necessities before grabbing my headphones plugging it into my phone and continuing to listen to my music and put it on shuffle. (Lizzie likes my music now :3) panic! At the discos song new perspective.

As I slipped on my shoes I cuddled buddy and decided to ask my dad to look after him whilst I'm out. Picking up buddy I walked down stairs where my dad would be on a Saturday afternoon after he got back from an early shift at work. When I saw my dad I hugged him and presented him with the kitten. " here is buddy" I proclaimed. "That's a nice name for him" my dad smiled "do you mind looking after him whilst I go out with a friend to buy hair dye?" I asked sweetly "oh no, I don't mind at all you go have fun and I'll look after the little fluff ball." I squeezed giving my dad another hug before skipping out the door and popping img my head phones.

A/n new chapter yay sorry for not writing I sort of lost interest but I'm back with more writing yay!

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