Chapter 5

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Did you guess who the chapter's point of view is today? Well if you guessed joel.... You were wrong. If you guessed joey you were right.

Today i am going to surprise lizzie at her meet up! Everything is set up it is going to be recorded. I am also going to ask her to move in with me in America. I am eating breakfast as we think. So i have everything i am going to need on me. I finish breakfast and ran to my car. I am really excited to see her we have only met in person once before. I started the engine and reversed out of my drive way. I made my way to where game fest was being held. When i arrived i got led towards where the meet up was being held. I gave the guy a camera and got to the front row. It begun with lizzie stumbling onto stage. "Oh hey!" She said putting her hand up to the audience. Then she saw me. "Joey?" She whispers smile fading. "Hey babe!" I said getting onto the stage and went in for a kiss but she dodged it and moved out the way. "No no You cant be here." She said looking of stage. "What do you mean?" I am getting really confused now. 'Oh my god I'm going to have to do it here aren't i' she whispers to herself. "Do what?" My smile began to fade. "Look Joey, i have fallen for someone really hard. I felt this feeling i have never felt before." She said looking me dead in the eye. "What?-" She cut me off. "Shh!" Then she continued. "We met a strange way he was being really cute he looked up at me and when our eyes met i knew that i needed him." She looked of stage then she started crying and ran off. I decided i should follow her to see if she was OK. I found her in the dance area talking to a guy. "I-i-i fell in love." She said looking down. No no no! That's it i started to cry. "Me too..." He loves her back! This is the worst day ever. I ran straight out of game fest and right to my car. Quickly I got in started the engine and drove home not looking back. I know i forgot my camera but that doesn't matter anymore i lost my love...


Back to normal next chapter omg these chapters sucked

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