Part of the Action

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Maddy was finally able to push through the seemingly endless crowd of students. She sat in the passenger seat of Stiles' jeep as he drove behind Scott. "So, you do this all the time?" He glanced over at her, then back at the road. "Mhm, as long as we keep up our grades, no one notices." He replied. "So... where does Scott work? A werewolf travel agency?" Stiles looked over at her with wide eyes, trying to hold back a laugh. "A werewolf travel agency? I don't even want to know how you came up with the that one. He works at an animal clinic. His boss knows so much about the supernatural, it's scary."

"Oh, okay..." She muttered, turning to look out her window. They made it to the clinic, Derek and Issac were already waiting outside. She got out of the car and headed over. Isaac glanced over then to some place in the distance before whipping his head back in their direction. "Maddy? What are you doing here? Stiles, what is she doing here?" She rolled her eyes and looked over at Stiles. "Isaac, chill, I know everything and I'm here to help in any way I can." He blinked a few time in surprise. "You... know? Most people would've gone running when they found out the truth."

"Well, I was kinda frozen in place for a few, but I'm cool now." She replied. "Guys, can you finish your conversation inside? We're trying to find Boyd and Erica..." Derek grumbled, pulling the door open. "Sor - ry Hale." She narrowed her eyes, heading inside.


While Scott, Stiles and Derek filled the tub with ice, she stood near Deaton and Isaac to hear what was going happen. "Obviously it's not going to be particularly... comfortable. But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trace - like state." Isaac looked at him, slightly confused. "Like being hypnotized."

"Exactly. You'll be half transformed. It"ll let us access your subconscious mind." He crouched down next to the water, touching it with his fingers before quickly pulling away. "How slow does his heart rate need to be?" She asked, looking from one person to another, worriedly. "Very slow." Deaton replied. "Okay well, how slow is very slow?" Derek questioned. "Nearly dead." He said, calmly. They all looked up at him with varying looks of concern. "It's safe though right?" Deaton raised his eyebrows. "Do you want me to answer honestly?" Isaac looked away, shaking his head, "no, no. Not really."

A rubber glove snapped, and all five turned to look over at Stiles, who was playing with one. "What?" Derek gave him a look, and he took it off, throwing it in the trash. They turned back to the tub, where he seemed to be debating whether to go through with the plan. "Look, if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this." Derek said, while Scott gave him a confirming nod. Isaac let out a breath and took off his shirt. She backed up a bit, so Stiles could get a better spot next to the tub. He stepped into the frigid waters, letting out short breaths. Scott took off his jacket before he and Derek pushed Isaac under, ice and water splashing all over the floor. He forced himself back up, almost into a sitting position and roared, half transformed, with glowing eyes and large canines, just like Deaton had said. She let out a small squeak of fear, earning her looks from the other two werewolves. "What? Sorry for going with an instinct." She grumbled. "Get him back under." Deaton commanded. The pair, along with a little help from Stiles, forced him back under, where he struggled against them for a few moments before coming back up and gripping the sides of the tub like he didn't want to go back under. "Hold him." Deaton said. "We're trying!" Derek yelled back. Maddy took off her sweatshirt, and threw it across the room. She helped push Isaac back under, where he continued to struggle before finally becoming still.

She pulled her hands away, afraid she might have just killed him. The others did the same, letting Isaac float to the top, where he took a breath, much to her relief. "Now remember, only I talk to him. Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out." Deaton whispered. They all leaned in a bit closer to Isaac, hoping the plan would work. "Isaac? Can you hear me?" He asked. "Yes. I can hear you." Isaac replied. "This is Dr. Deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Is that alright?"


"I'd like to ask you about the night you found Erica and Boyd. I want you to remember it in as vivid detail as possible, like you're actually there again." Thunder began to rumble outside. "I - I don't wanna do that. I don't -- I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that." He began to have a mini panic attack. "Issac, it's alright, just relax. They're just memories. You can't be hurt by a memory." The lights started to flicker. "I don't wanna do that." He said again. "It's alright."

"I don't wanna do that."

"Relax. Good." Isaac calmed back down. "Now let's go back to that night, to the place you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see? Is there some kind of building? A house?" Deaton asked. "It's not -- it's not a house. It's stone. I think marble."

Maddy was amazed at what Dr. Deaton was doing. She didn't understand how this was possible, yet she understood it completely at the same time. "Can you give me any other descriptors?" Isaac was silent for a moment. "It's dusty, so empty." He said. "Like an abandoned building?" He didn't reply, but he seemed to be re - living the worst part of the memory. "Isaac? Isaac?" Deaton asked. "Someone's here. Someone's here." He reached out and grabbed the first arm he found, hers. She gasped at how strong his grip was. "Isaac relax." Deaton said, monotonously. "No, no no. They see me! They see me!" He said, thrashing his head back and forth, letting out a small scream. "Just memories, you won't be hurt by your memories. Just relax. Relax. Good." He began to calm down, releasing her arm from his death grip. "Oh, ow." She muttered, looking down at her arm, where a bruise was already forming. "Now, tell us what you see. Tell us everything."

He began to describe everything in his memory, what he saw and what was said. She walked away, unable to listen any longer. As soon as she left the room, she heard Isaac gasp, and sit up. She came back in the room, worried. "They're here." He whispered. "They -- they --" Deaton sighed, "It's alright."


"Just tell us --"

"They see me. They found me. They're here!" He yelled. "This isn't working!" Derek  snapped. "Isaac, where are you?" He asked. The lights went out, plunging the room into near darkness. "I can't see them. It's too dark!" He shouted. "Isaac, just tell me where you are!" Derek said. "I can't see!" He yelled again. "Isaac, where are you?" He froze, like the memory was hitting him again. "Just tell me where you are!" Derek shouted, leaning closer to his beta. "Derek! You could kill him!" She said, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him away a bit. He pushed her away, making her stumble back into one of the tables and onto the ground.

They all looked at Derek surprised. "His heart - rate. He could go into shock." Deaton said to Derek, who was holding a thrashing Isaac in the water. "Derek, let him go!" Scott shouted, while Stiles helped Maddy back up. "Thanks." She groaned. "Isaac, where are you! What did you see?" Derek yelled. He shot up in the tub. "There's a body! It's Erica! It's a vault! It's a bank vault!" His breathing was short and heavy. "I saw it! I saw the name." Scott helped him up and Deaton wrapped him in a towel. "It's uh, B - Beacon Hills First National Bank. It's um, it's an abandoned bank. They're keeping them locked inside. Inside the vault." They all gave him sad looks. "What?" He asked, looking over at Stiles and Maddy.

"You don't remember what you said right before you came out of it, do you?" Stiles asked. "No." Isaac replied. "Uh, you said when they captured you, they dragged you inside a room and that there was a body in it." Isaac shook his head, and looked at her. "What body?" She looked at the floor. "Erica. You said it was Erica."

[WC: 1470]

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