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Maddy accompanied them to the field, where they practiced lacrosse for a little bit. She sat in the stands and watched, trying to figure out how to play. After, they went back to the locker room before heading out the front door to leave. They walked in silence until the stairs. "I wish I could've seen their faces. They look seriously pissed?" He asked, looking,over at Scott. "Yeah." He grinned. "I've never seen someone's mood change that quickly. It was great!" She was looking at them, then glanced back to the front doors and her mood changed, almost as quickly as the twins' had earlier. All three froze as they notice the twins blocking their path, looking angrier than earlier. "Kinda like that." Scott muttered.

She saw them nod to each other, then they began to take their shirts off. Maddy took a small step back, her eyes glued on Ethan and Aiden. Ethan crouched down on the ground and Aiden slammed his hand into his back. They began to merge into one large wolf. It stood up and growled, ready to charge at them. Isaac threw his bag to the side and rolled up his sleeves. "We can take him." He said, getting ready to 'pounce'.

"Are you kidding! ISAAC!" Scott yelled at the same time Maddy shouted.

"Love the heroism and all but do you see the size of that thing Isaac!"

She had been slowly backing up, and now, she ran as 'it' roared. The boys ran a second later, but they weren't fast enough. She had time to dash up a few of the steps, before turning and seeing both boys held up by their necks. "ISAAC! SCOTT!" She screamed as it bashed their heads together. It turned and roared at her, then threw them down and roared at them, about to attack again. "Oh my god." She breathed, scrambling back up the stairs and hiding around the corner. She heard bones crunch and peaked around to see a man with sunglasses and a walking stick in front of the twins, who had separated once again. She watched in horror as he took off a cap on the bottom of his walking stick to reveal a blade. Quick as lightning, he swiped it across their faces, leaving small cuts that instantly began to heal. He put the cap back on and began to walk away. The twins moved to the side so he could walk through the with one last glance at the boys, they walked away with him. She saw Aiden glance up the stairwell to where she was, he grinned and barred his fangs, making her eyes widen. "Who is that?" She heard Isaac ask. She came down the stairs and over to them, helping them both up. "Deucalion." Scott replied, glaring down the hall where they had disappeared.

"You both are idiots." She sighed, shaking her head. "There's a storm rolling in, we should probably get going. I really don't want to be stuck in a storm." They both grabbed their bags and walked out without another word. She gave Isaac a ride back to Derek's place, while Scott headed home on his motorcycle.


Madeline was in her kitchen, whipping up a batch of cookies. It had been a long time since she had them, and with the week she was having, she needed them. She was just putting them on the cooling rack when she heard Derek yelling from next door. "GET OUT!" She heard glass shattering against the wall a second later. There were only two people he could be telling that to, and she assumed it wasn't his sister. She threw open her door, just as Isaac was walking down the hall with a duffel bag. "Isaac, what happened?" She ushered him inside and gestured to her love seat. He sat down, dropping his duffel. "Derek kicked me out. He wouldn't tell me why. I've been living with him since my father died last spring, he's been totally fine with it. I don't understand why all the sudden he has a change of heart." She sighed and sat down next to him.

"I would offer for you to sleep here, but I don't have another room you could use and I wouldn't want you sleeping on the couch, it's way to small." He shrugged, "I'll be okay, I can figure something out. Thanks anyway. " Maddy shook her head, and stood up. "Is there anything I can do though? I'd feel awful if I couldn't help in some way." He thought for a moment before replying. "Is there any chance you could give me a ride?" He asked with a small smirk. She laughed, "yeah, let me grab my shoes and umbrella. Two minutes tops." She dashed off to the extra room and began to dig through the piles of things to get her rain boots and umbrella. While she was doing that, Isaac stood up and looked around her apartment, it was small, but cozy. He saw a hint of blue behind a half closed door. He poked his head in and looked around her room. (See season 3b version above)

It has nice sea blue walls and a fair sized bed. He noticed a Beacon Hills varsity jacket hanging on her chair. He read the back, becoming confused, it had Maddy's last name and number 17. He looked at the pictures on her walls, there were two little pictures on the left side of her bed. One was a black horse, and the other was a chocolate lab. He figured that the Labrador was Wren, but he didn't know who the black horse was. "When you're done looking around, I'm ready to go." He heard a voice behind him. "I - sorry." He muttered, walking out. "It's fine, I don't mind that much." He grabbed his duffel bag and started to walk out. "Hey, why do you have a varsity jacket with your name and a number on it." She smacked her forehead. "Oh! I completely forgot about it! It was such a crazy day." She said, rubbing the bandages on her forearm.

"Coach Finstock invited me on the team, well it was more of a deal where I'd go to the practices and learn to play and then he'd let me play against the worst team." Isaac gave a small nod. "Ah, okay, again sorry for invading." He sighed. She shrugged, "seriously, I don't really mind. Hey, I just made some cookies, would you like one?" He shrugged and gave her a small smile of gratitude. She grabbed two off the counter and handed him one. He thanked her, and they headed out to her car.

She ended up driving him to Scott's house. She had grabbed his arm before he'd climbed out. "Hey, if you need anything, I can try to help. I'm sure Derek had his reasons, but it still wasn't right." Isaac gave her a small smile. "Thanks Mads." She blinked in surprise and jerked her head back an inch or so.


"No one has called me that since -"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."

"No, no. It's okay, you can call me that. It just took me by surprise."

Isaac nodded, "bye Mads, congrats on making the team." She smiled. "Bye Lahey." She waited until he was let inside before driving back home.

[WC: 1288]

Just a 'bonding' chapter I guess. The photo of Maddy's bedroom is what it will look like in 3b. The 3a version doesn't have the photos on the bookcase or the stuffed animals. It's a horrible edit, I know, but if you look, there are a few spoilers if you want to look close enough. 😉


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