Traffic Jams and Talks

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Buses, Maddy hated them. She had been stuck on a bus for at least three hours now, and there was still at least three more hours to go. It was a perfect excuse to reflect upon what had happened the day before. She was sitting a few seats behind Isaac and Boyd and in front of Scott and Stiles. They were all headed to some stupid track meet.

"Stop thinking about it." She heard Isaac tell Boyd. "Like you're not thinking about it." He spat back, annoyed. "Yeah, well, we'll both stop thinking about it." Sadly, she knew exactly what they were talking about and she also knew that there was no way that they were going to stop thinking about it. She turned around to look back at Scott and Stiles. They seemed to be studying for the S.A.T.s. The bus rattled and bounced, and her head slammed against the window. "SON OF A -!" She muttered, loud enough to make Ethan and Danny turn to her, along with Isaac. Boyd was too busy plotting revenge to care. "You okay Maddy?" Danny asked, unable to see Ethan's smirk. "Yeah, fine. Thanks." She replied, narrowing her eyes at Ethan after Danny had turned back. She glanced over at Coach, making sure he was facing forward before flipping Ethan off.

Isaac snickered and she slipped into the seat behind him. "What happened Mads? I think you almost swore loud enough for the whole bus to hear." She covered her face with her hands and blushed, embarrassed. "I - uh, when we hit the bump or whatever, smacked my head against the stupid window." She grumbled. Isaac laughed and failed to cover it up with a cough. She smacked him on the head lightly. "Hey! Sor - ry." He growled. She rolled her eyes with a smirk and slumped down into the seat. She pulled out her phone and texted Stiles.

Maddy: You guys good back there? I swore I just heard you saying that Scott wasn't healing.

Stiles: Yeah, he hasn't healed at all. Scott claims it's because they're from an Alpha but Boyd and Isaac are fine.

Can we AT LEAST get him a bandage? Or will he refuse that too?

He'll refuse that too. He's stubborn like that. He wants to help others, but refuses to let anyone help him.

I still can't believe it though. Yeah, we might have not liked each other much, but I still can't believe Derek's dead.

Scott basically muttered that like a second ago. He was all like "I can't believe Derek's dead."

Well yeah, it would be hard for him to believe that Derek, tough Alpha Derek, was killed by falling off a ledge...

It was a pretty high ledge

Duh! He's a werewolf. A twenty foot drop would be nothing. That drop was like seventy or eighty at least. Even that doesn't seem like enough to kill him. I feel like he might not be dead

He wasn't moving Maddy

He's an Alpha for gods sake, he probably broke 99% of  the bones in his body

Oh... yeah. I still think he didn't survive

Okay, if you say so...

She shut off her phone and sighed. She heard heavy panting that could only belong to a werewolf. She sat up, immediately noticing one of his clawed hands gripping the seat in front of him. "Boyd? What are you doing? Put those away!" She hissed. He turned to her, quietly snarling and gold eyes glowing. Scott came up the isle slowly and slid into her seat. She scooted over so he could have more room. Scott grabbed Boyd's hand, making him growl. "Let... Go..." She looked over at Isaac, who seemed to be angry, but not like Boyd. "You're not planning to kill Ethan with Boyd, are you?" She whispered to him. "Nah, not at the moment. I do want to kill him, but at least I have the sense to not kill him in front of all these people." He grinned, and she giggled. Their moods immediately changed when Boyd tried to get out of Scott's grasp. Isaac grabbed his other arm and Maddy pulled out her little pocket knife and poked it against Boyd's neck. He stopped struggling and she put it away. "Woah, woah. You're still hurt." Isaac said, pointing to Scott's side. "I'm fine." He muttered. "Give me a chance to figure something else out. Something that doesn't have to end with someone else dying."

"Okay." Boyd muttered. Scott got up with a look of pain flashing over his face and headed back to his seat. "Now that you aren't planning on exposing the supernatural to everyone on this bus while you brutally try to kill Ethan, let's talk." She whispered to them. Boyd ignored her, but Isaac turned back around. "That's a great way to make me imagine what could have happened Mads, thank you." He said sarcastically. "No problemo." She grinned. Isaac laughed and muttered to Boyd for a second. The Beta got up and let Isaac out, before sitting down again. He slid into the seat next to her. "Now Coach won't yell at me to turn around. Crisis averted." She rolled her eyes. Before she could speak, there was a little 'Ping!' that came from where Danny and Ethan were. She looked back at Stiles who was doing his own form of sign language to Danny.

She held back a laugh and continued to watch. Soon, she noticed Danny get annoyed and put his phone away. She looked over at Stiles, who began furiously typing at his keyboard. Little 'pings' began to go off every half - second on Danny's phone. He looked over at Ethan who was looking at him confused and annoyed. "Everything okay?" Ethan asked him. "Actually... I was wondering the same about you." Danny replied. Her quiet laughs stopped when Ethan's head whipped around to stare at Scott and Stiles. They both ducked behind their seat. A 'ding' went off on Stiles' phone. He'd gotten his answer. "Can you ask Stiles what that was all about? All I was able to catch was a little while ago when Stiles wanted to find out why Ethan kept checking his phone. I want to know what Danny got out of him." Isaac said, looking down at the phone in her hand. She gave a small nod and began to type away at the keyboard furiously.

What did Danny get out of Ethan?

Ennis is alive but might not make it through the night

Does that mean...?

Idk, most likely

Thanks Stiles

No problem

"Ennis is alive, he might not make it though." She muttered, staring down at her phone screen. "So Derek really is dead?" She sighed and shrugged. "I watched him fall Isaac. I watched and I felt completely and utterly useless. There was nothing I could do to save his life." She stared out the window, watching the sandy hills of California. "Mads, there was nothing you could have done to save him. You didn't have a way to stop it.. You're human, and sometimes things happen when humans go to war. Sometimes people begin to feel this way after someone dies. You're feeling guilty, but it's not your fault." Isaac said, grabbing her hand.

She pulled her hand away from him and stared out the window. "Thanks Isaac. That makes me feel a little better." She sighed. "You should probably get back to your seat. Coach is on the move." She pointed in his direction with her head. He quickly slipped back into the spot next to Boyd, and she went back to her original seat.

[WC: 1315]

Hey guys! I'm going to be posting a new story when I finish this one, along with the sequel to this book. It starts in season 4 and there will be a sequel for seasons 5a and 5b


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