Chapter 1: Receiving a Team

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Here is a new Naruto Fanfic.

Thanks for reading.



I woke up with a start and a smile appeared on my face.

Today is the day.

I quickly put on my crop top and fishnet and then my Uchiha jacket. I put on leggings and two kunai holsters, one on each leg. Next I put my katanas and black ninja shoes on.

"Chikara are you ready?!" Sasuke asked from the kitchen.

"Ya!" I yelled before grabbing my ninja headband and put it on my forehead. (See cover for look)

I ran downstairs in a hurry and grabbed two apples. One for breakfast, one for lunch. Then I grabbed Sasuke and dragged him to the academy.

"Whoa Chikara slow down!" Sasuke said while trying to keep up.

I shook my head and happily continued.

New teams, new teams woo-hoo!

When we got there we were the first ones and I quickly sat in the front row. I hummed while I waited and tapped my fingers.

Please be on brothers team.

Soon people started filling in and sat down. I heard gasps and turned around.

Oh my.

Sasuke and Naruto were kissing.

"Brother! I didn't know you were gay!" I yelled while pointing at him.

He glared at my while wiping off his mouth.

Soon fangirls started to surround Naruto.

Better help him.

"Lady's lady's let's not be rash." I said calmly as I stood in front of Naruto.

They didn't listen and pounced.

I don't think so.

I calmly kicked them back and smiled.

"Didn't I just say not to be rash." I said in a very calm way.

They looked scared and ran to their seats. I turned around and smiled at Naruto while holding my hand out to him.

"You alright?" I asked kindly.

"Ya believe it!" He said while taking my hand and getting up.

He nodded his thanks and sat down while I went back to my seat. Soon Iruka came and started to make a speech about being a ninja and how he was going to miss us.

Get on with the teams!

Soon he started naming off teams.

" 7..Naruto Uzamaki..Sakura Haurano..Sasuke Uchiha..and Chikara Uchiha." Iruka said as he moved on.

YAY!!! I'm on brothers team!

I happily cheered in my head and a big smile was on my face. Before I knew it we were having a lunch break. I ate my apple in peace in the classroom.

Someone's in my room.

I flashed to the house and hit the person on the head. It was some jonin with silver hair and a mask.

"What you doing in my room!?!" I yelled while throwing my apple core at his face.

He seemed surprised and just laid there till he jumped up.

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