Chapter 5: Battle Cut Short

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We watched as Kakashi fought Zabuza. I kept my senses alert and made sure no surprises hit us. I glanced at the trees when I sensed someone there. I threw a kunai close to them and made sure it was speedy so no one would notice. Then I flashed to their location.

Hmm why are they watching?

I held a kunai to their neck and they tensed. They glanced at me and I observed them. He had a mask and senbon in his hand.

"Put down the senbon."I said in a threatening tone.

They lowered their weapon but then flipped me. I landed on my feet and threw kunai at them quickly. They dodged then threw a ton of senbon. I flashed behind them and kicked them into a tree. They slumped down on the ground.

"I've never met someone so fast." They whispered while looking up at me in surprise.

I smirked and threw kunai at him again. He flashed away but I was too fast. I kicked him again and pinned him to a tree with a kunai. He struggled but the kunai was one of my special ones and had an awesome grip.

"Who are you?" He asked while looking at me.

"Chikara Uchiha, remember it as the one Uchiha who isn't stupid." I said while giggling a little bit.

He seemed surprised by my care free aurora. A sharp pain went through my body as a sword cut my side deeply. I quickly turned and stabbed them. I noticed it was Zabuza and he smirked before turning into a puddle of water.

Another sharp pain went through my body as I went numb and felt the senbon in my pressure points. I yelled in pain when I landed on the ground. Black had started to appear in the corner of my eyes. Strong arms picked me up bridal style. I tried to fight back when I realized it was mask boy.

"Shsh, I'm not going to hurt you. Go to sleep." He said gently as darkness clouded my vision and I fell into unconsciousness.

Well well looks like someone isn't doing to good at the moment.

I looked around and noticed I was floating in blackness. It was cold but warm at the same time.

Who are you?

I heard a deep chuckle fill the space around me.

Do you know what's inside Naruto?

I thought about and only came up with one answer.


A sense of surprise filled the space as a pair of red eyes appeared in front of me. My eyes widened but I wasn't scared.

Don't you fear me? Why did you call me by my name and not the nine tails?

No I'm not scared of you. Also why wouldn't I call you by your name. You're still a person.

His eyes seemed to soften and I could then make out a small smile.

He was right.

Who's he and why am I here?

That's all do in time. For now you must wake up. Goodbye child.

Everything started to fade.


I sat up quickly and looked around. I was in a room and it was rather dark out. I was alone so I decided to get up. I stepped towards the door and stepped into the hallway before making my way to the front door.

Everyone is asleep.

I opened the door and walked outside quietly. It was slightly chilly but pretty warm. I sat on the wooden porch and looked at the starry night sky. The moon was full and rather big.

The moon is so beautiful.

I tensed when I felt someone behind me and reached for a kunai before I realised it wasn't there.

Dang it my kunai pouch must have been taken off.

I jumped up and quickly turned around ready to punch them. I was surprised to see Kakashi standing there. I sat back down with my elbows on my knees and rested my head on my hands. I sensed him sit next to me and sigh.

"I see you're up." He said casually.

I nodded and sighed when I remembered the past events. He looked over at me curiously.

"What happened? One moment you're protecting Tazuna and the next you're beaten in the enemies hands." He said sternly like a father would.

"I sensed someone in the trees and left a clone with Tazuna. I would have taken them down if Zabuza's stupid clone hadn't interfered." I said sadly.

He nodded silently.

"Did the enemy have a tracker mask?" Kakashi asked.

I was surprised but nodded. Realization hit him and he seemed to be putting pieces together.

"Well it seems our battle is still going." He said sadly.

I nodded and continued to stare at the beautiful stars and moon. My mind was wide awake but my body was sore and tired.

"Chikara, why do you want to be head captain of the ANBU?" He asked curiously.

"Well that's simple, cause Naruto is going to be hokage. Someone needs to help him out. Plus I think it would be fun." I said with a smile.

He seemed deep in thought about something.

"Chikara the ANBU is serious. There's a lot of death. I don't think you'd be a good fit." He said while eyeing me.

I sighed and looked at the trees swaying in the breeze.

"It doesn't have to be. There are always other options and we don't need to treat our ninja like tools. That's the first thing I'm going to fix. Everyone has a dream that could help benefit the village. Why would you throw away their dreams?" I said softly before turning towards him.

He seemed surprised by my answer. But then smirked and gave me a closed eye smile.

"The Hokage was right, you are rather bright and wise for someone your age. I believe you would be a perfect fit for the head captain. But Chikara I think you'd be a better hokage with your ideas." He said kindly.

I smiled back at him.

"Like I said that's Naruto's job. But I'll help him out. Thanks Kakashi." I said happily.

"For what?" He asked while giving me a questioning look.

"For believing in me." I said quietly as I walked back inside.


Thanks for reading!!




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