Chapter 1

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"Wakeeeupp!"this random guy started Poking Me As I opened my eyes

"Hey,I'm Calum."He said as I screamed and ran into my bear that had a 1D Sweater on it dint fucking judge

"W-why,who,how?"I stuttered trying to say something.

"You're our new sex slave."Calum said

"Tf,Ehh better then this hello hole."

"CALUM IS THE SLUT UP!"Another voice yelled marching upstairs

I got and up and walked to my closet.

"C-can you please,um...leave my room,s-so I can c-change."I Said as he nodded

"Yeah,totally."He said as he walked out another guy walks in..

"Hey,I'm Michael."He said. As I nodded

"I-I'm Legend."I Said as he nodded and walked out.

I changed into a black spaghetti strap tank top and plaid black and red shorts and some black vans I just brushed my hair and teeth,then I packed

I brought my suitcase Downstairs.

"Get this slut,out."My mom said as the boys handed her some money.

"Shoot."I whispered as I ran upstairs and got my teddy bear right when I walked out a tall blonde boy with a lip ring stopped me

"Where you goin?"He asked as I held up my teddy bear

"I'm Luke,Luke hemmings."He said as he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Legend."I whispered softly and shook his hands.

I started crying a little noticing what's fixing to happen to me.

"Shhh,Babygirl it's okay."Luke said kissing my forehead.

He pulled me into a tight little hug..

His hugs are so nice.he literally hugs you with his whole body.

He grabbed my hand and put his in mine.

We walked downstairs. Hand in hand

"Bye,hoe."My mom said as I ignored her,she slapped me.

I fell to the ground crying holding my cheek.

My vision gets a little blurry,as I got up and see Luke hitting my mom

I just grabbed my suitcase and walked outside.I sat on the porch chair thinking about everything.

"C'mon."this guy with curly hair said,as I nodded and stood up.

"Here we go."I sighed as I started tearing up.

"Sh..,its okay,we won't hurt you,but we have rules."He said as I nodded while crying and falling to the floor.

I scooted against the house.

Luke Walked out with a black eye.

He crouched down at me and put his hands on my head putting his nose to mine.

"You're okay."He said as I kept crying

I saw a camera flash.

"Sorry,this is tumblr worthy."He said as I rolled my eyes and faced Luke again.

I tried to stand up.

He got the message after,and stood

"Fucking sick."I whispered to myself as Luke stopped me

"Sh,don't speak to us like that."Luke said kissing my forehead and picking me up and taking me to the car

"I hate this."I Said while crying,all my emotions are just,too much to handle,seems like he's a nice guy and all,but I'm not falling for a guy that buys girls for sex.

I sat in the back seat in the very back,
I said down and put on my seatbelt,Luke sat down Beside me,closing the gap between us.

I kept crying a little as Luke put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up,

"Be Careful beautiful,your tiara is falling."He said as I Smiled a little.

Damn this guy has me now.

"L-Luke,promise me you w-won't hurt me."I Said laying my head on his chest,as he puts his arm around my neck.

"Promise."He said as I Cried a little.

The car doors open as Curly head got in the drivers seat

Calum in the passengers seat and Michael in the seats in front of us

"Who's the driver...I never got his name."I whispered to Luke

"Ashton."He whispers back

I Just nodded in my response.

Ashton turned on the radio.

I recognized the song

"Luke bryan!"I Yelled while fangirling.

"FLOATING DOWN THE RIVER BETTER CATCH YASELF A LITTLE CATFISH DINNER."I starting singing as the boys laughed a little

I started fangirling again

Dancing,singing,tearing up a little.

The song was over...ANOTHER LUKE BRYAN SONG

"Sooo I'm gonna sit right here....on the edge of this the sun set disapear.....And drink a beer."I Sung while holding my hands up and swaying my hips side to side.

"You're really good,at singing."Luke smiles kissing my cheek.

"Luke bryan obsession."I replied.

Ashton turned the channel.

"GREENDAY,HELL YES!"Me and Michael yelled at the same time

I might connect with these boys,really well.

Michael Smirked at me and gave me a fist bump.

Calum jokingly tried to turn the channel.

I took off my seatbelt and charged out of the seat towards him.

"AHH Fuck."Michael yelled because my stomach landed on him

"S-sorry."I Said kissing his forehead

I didn't notice luke was holding my hips..trying to keep me still.

I sit back in my chair and cuddled Luke he kissed the top of my head

"We Are Here."Ashton said As everyone except me and Luke got out..because
there were seats infront of us...

-_--_-next day..

I Woke up,naked with Luke..

We were spooning

I got uncomfortable..imediatly..

"where you going?"
I heard Luke his morning voice.

"I want to put on..clothes."I Said as He mumbled 'no'

"Please,Luke."I Said as he said 'no',AGAIN

I Just pushed his arms aside

I got up and put on my clothes I bent down to grab my undergarments

"Baby.."Luke said as I looked at him.

"What?"I said as he got up and put on his boxers

"I love you."He said as he kisses my forehead



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