Chapter 3

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"What a pathetic lot, I'm disappointed..."

A voice echoed off of the cave walls, reflecting back to the young man standing in a pool of blood, the crimson liquid splattered all over his white coat with black fur lining the hood. Countless bodies were piled around him, drenched in cold blood.

"What did you expect? Your body has been modified to be completely indestructible, no one in this entire world could put up a good fight against you" A black haired man crouched beside the wall responded, his narrowed green eyes staring intently at the white haired man, who let out a sigh, pulling his black headphones over his pointy tipped white dog ears.

"There's no challenge" He spat out bitterly, kicking one of the bodies in the side of the head with the tip of his white boot, seemingly satisfied with the large gash it left.

"Don't be so puerile, Psyche" His black haired companion responded, readjusting his white coat with black fur lining the hood, and pulling the hood over his head, revealing the neon green panda ears stitched to the top with red buttons just beneath to symbolize the eyes "We're not doing this for fun"

"Though, I believe that our next opponents are going to prove rather entertaining for you..."

Psyche's ear twitched, and he gazed deep into the neon green orbs of his partner, seemingly interested "Spit it out, Cyrus"

"Rather rude, now aren't we?" Cyrus replied teasingly, and then added, after a threatening growl from Psyche "Have you heard of Jayde and Kayde? They're two cat spirits that have only just awoken from their 1,000 year long sleep... They're rather powerful... And fortunately for you, they're our next targets... I think you'll find them rather fun to fight~"

"Ah, really now~?" Psyche responded, a small smirk dancing along his lips "Sounds interesting... Where can we find them...?"

Cyrus grinned, lifting himself up from the ground where he'd been crouching "They're not very far from here... If we head out now we'll most likely reach them by night fall if my calculations are correct..."

Psyche nodded, turning the music up on his black headphones as he brushed passed his green eyed companion.

"Let's go"

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