Chapter 12

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Psyche bit his lip with a small growl, paying no mind to the blood trickling down from his newly self-inflicted wound.  The eerie fog rendering him sightless in the God-forsaken graveyard he'd wandered into transferred a feeling of helplessness into his nerves, which angered him greatly.  He narrowed his eyes in an effort to see passed the whiteness, backing himself closer against the black fence lining the deceased's resting place, white ears perked up and alert.

The sounds of clanging chains sent an unwanted feeling of dread into the pit of his stomach, and he glanced back and forth skittishly at the sound of 'The London Bridge is Falling Down' being hummed cheerily by a person Psyche wasn't in the mood to cross paths with.  His ears twitched rather excessively at each little sound, and his heart raced within his chest.

I don't feel threatened... He told himself vainly, a small, frustrated growl slipping out from his mouth This is only natural... I'm not frightened... My mind senses that danger is near, which is why I feel so tense... I, myself, am not scared...

He heaved in a deep, soothing breath, attempting to focus as the humming grew closer and the sounds of chains and monstrous gag-like noises neared.  His white eyes were fixated on the area in front of him, and he dared not breath as two faint forms appeared, encased in the whiteness of the fog.  One stood, and the other sat on all floors, letting out a choked gurgle, his claw-like purplish gray fingers digging deep into the soft soil of the graveyard.

The one standing normally was a short, pale boy with messy neon green hair and cat ears, as well as wide cat-like bright green eyes.  His wardrobe consisted of a black vest over a light green shirt, and tattered, dirty jeans for pants.  He wore plain black and white tennis shoes, and on his hands were long fingerless black gloves with skeletal patterns that reached his elbows.

And, leaning against his leg, was a tall, ghostly pale boy with longish purplish gray hair and cat ears, as well as eyeless sockets, though one of the missing eyes appeared to be covered by transparent bandages hanging limply from around his head.  A long chain was wrapped around his neck, and he wore a torn, ragged short sleeved purple shirt.  More smaller chains and bandages hung from his arms, ending at his wrists, where his large, purplish gray claw-like fingers began.  He wore plain, torn jeans and had a bushy purplish gray cat tail, as well as chains wrapped around his ankles and no footwear.

The less beast-like one allowed a crooked smile to dance along his lips, and he stared at Psyche with wide, psychotic green eyes "What's the matter, Psyche?  There's no need to run~"

The white haired Canid scoffed, lifting himself off of the ground and out of his crouching position while glaring in the two Neko's directions "I knew it was a bad idea to trust such a sickening race..."

The green haired boy snickered in response, his sleek green tail waving around behind him carelessly as he chuckled "You're quite unfair, Psyche... It's not like we can help what we're born as... Though I'd be quite ashamed if I came into the world as you..."

Psyche's tensed form loosened slightly as he smiled, a breathless laugh slipping passed his lips while he replied "Do you really think saying something like that would send me into submission?  I'm not a pathetic schoolgirl, Lyric..."

The so called 'Lyric' let out a sigh, his eyes suddenly brimming with laziness as he responded "...Well it obviously bothered you... You wouldn't have addressed it if you weren't in the slightest bit unsettled..."

Psyche allowed a growl to slip passed his lips, and a transparent black substance began forming around his body.  A psychotic grin crept on to his face as he sauntered slowly towards Lyric and his partner, his furry white tail waving back and forth "I'm sick of this blabber... You've betrayed me and Cyrus, therefore I shall dispose of you..."

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