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Appearance- Jayde is a tall woman of the height 5'11, and weight of 170 pounds. She has long wavy white hair that cascades down from her head all the way down to her hips, separating at the top into two clumps with pointy tips, giving off the effect she has cat ears (To the human eye it's just a hairstyle, but she really does have cat ears). She has dull gray eyes, one of which is covered by a black eye patch to hide a scar. She wears black long sleeved shirt with lace sleeves and a long black skirt, along with black boots that reach up to her knees.

The skirt has a small hole in it for her long white cat tail as well.

Personality- She's very carefree, and does many things without feeling embarrassed (Jillian, I know your reading this, and no she doesn't act like that one Neko you made, she's very chill, and apparently your Neko is really hyper, which is kind of the opposite of mine). Jayde also targets quiet people because they're fun to tease (Like her brother, Kayde, for instance), which shows she's very playful as well. Though she acts this way, she's very chill for the most part and if you told her bad news she'd probably just brush it off (Unless it was really serious).

Theme song- PonPonPon by Jubyphonic

Ability- Jayde's signature way of fighting is with her claws that she drenches in a deadly poison, and then scratches her opponents with, which makes the poison seep into their blood and kill them.

Extra Information- Jayde actually is very good with long range weapons such as guns and bow and arrows.


Appearance- Kayde is a short boy of the height 5'6, and the weight of 110 pounds (He's underweight due to usually not eating much more than one snack every two days). He has messy white hair that reaches down slightly passed his neck, and two white cat ears at the top of his head. He has wide red eyes and wears a plain white shirt with a black choker around his neck. Black stripes line the sleeves of his shirt and he wears plain black pants with long white boots.

Personality- Kayde is very sadistic and self-hating, very reserved and quiet. He doesn't enjoy sharing his feelings freely with anyone other than his sister, and prefers to be alone when sad. He's a very pessimistic character, always looking at the bad things in life rather than the good ones.

However, as the story progresses, he begins to get happier, though still holding on to the remnants of his old self.

Theme- Lynne by Glutamine

Ability- Kayde can summon white fire, which burns a lot more than normal fire, and he can form blasts and spears out of it.

Extra Information- Kayde actually has a pet black python named Pythius, that he usually has wrapped around his body.


Appearance- Psyche is a fairly tall boy of the height 5'10, and the weight 134 pounds. He has messy white hair and dull gray eyes with bags under them (Due to lack of sleep) and a black sclera, as well as two white pointy tipped dog ears. He wears a white coat with black fur lining the hood, as well as two dog ears on the top of the hood to cover his actual ones. He also has black headphones around his neck that he occasionally listens to music on.

Under the coat, he wears a plain black V-shirt, and lower down he has black dress pants and long white boots that reach up just under his knees. He has a bushy white dog tail as well.

Personality- Psyche is extremely optimistic and joyful, in a horrifying way. He takes pleasure in killing, and claims that he enjoys the sweet melody of his victims screams. He's often seen smirking and is very playful when breaking the minds of his targets.

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