Chapter 18

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I fluttered my bright blue eyes open reluctantly, letting out a small yawn as I half-crawled, half-slid off of my bed, narrowing my eyes against the piercing suns rays staring down at me from the window.  Glancing down, I found that Cyrus was still asleep, leaving me to quietly exit, shutting the door gently behind me as I sauntered out into the kitchen drowsily.  My eyes seemed to be closing against their will, and I turned the sink water on absent-mindedly, washing my face with the cold liquid in an effort to wake myself up.

"I hate mornings..." I murmured bitterly to myself, each step I took feeling heavier then it most likely was.

As I stumbled over to the couch and plopped down on to it's dull green surface, my hands quickly found the TV remote, which I immediately picked up.  I lazily surfed through the channels provided to me after turning it on, letting out a sigh as I laid my head down on the pillow, ear twitching.

Where is everybody?  I wondered absent-mindedly, my eyes slowly closing only to flicker back open at the sound of loud footsteps.

Eyes round with curiosity, I turned and glanced over my shoulder at whoever was coming, smiling at the sight of Kayde and Jayde. 

"Good morning" I greeted them politely, acknowledged only by the tips of their heads and low groans.

They didn't appear to be morning people.  I wasn't either though, so I simply left them in peace and returned back to the show on the television.


Two hours had passed since morning, and by then everyone had woken up.  We'd all gathered inside the living room, and that even included Cyrus, who had managed to drag himself on to the couch, and now sat glancing uncomfortably around at us.  After a while of discussing, we'd decided now was as good as any other to interrogate him, which probably caused most of his skittishness.

"Listen, no one here has to get hurt if you just talk..." I assured him lowly, tipping my head towards Kayde, who curled his lip as I added "...Alright... What exactly does Psyche crave so badly?"

Cyrus shrugged, closing his eyes as he added, stretching his arms out "Hell if I know..."

I tilted my head, fixing him with an accusing gaze "...That sounds like a complete lie... You work with him 24/7, don't you?  There's no way you serve him without even knowing his purpose..."

A sly smirk crept on to his face "...No, I really am telling the truth... Psyche's a complete mystery to me..."

Kayde hissed indignantly and then asked quietly "Then why do you work with him...?"

Cyrus snickered, narrowing his eyes with a devious smirk on his face as he responded "...Because he's entertaining to watch... The thing about Psyche is that he enjoys a good fight, and usually I'm the one to find a strong opponent for him..."

He shrugged as he continued "...Watching him crush the enemy... Someday I hope to see him defeated... I'd love to see his reaction then..."

Luka raised an eyebrow, and turned to me for the first time since yesterday "Are all humans like this?" He murmured, and I shook my head hurriedly.

"Of course not..." I glanced back at Cyrus "...He's just got a few screws loose..."

He nodded in acknowledgement of my response, returning his attention to the black haired man staring intently at each of us.

"Honestly, your response doesn't sound very believable to me... But I'll let you off for now... Anyway, now I'd like to know, who exactly is Psyche?  What happened to give him such a messed up mind set?"The curiosity in my voice could've been better concealed, probably why Cyrus scoffed, sounding bitter as he replied,

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