Chapter Seven

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"Woah. Lovebirds at ten o'clock." Mike said warily as Vic and I walked back inside. I gripped his hand tightly. 

"Tony, let's make out." Jaime said.  

"Are you quite done?" Vic asked, pulling me close as he sat down. I smirked at Jaime, who flicked me off. 

"I thought she liked me, you know. I thought that hitting on her in Spanish would work." Mike pouted. 

"Well, it didn't. You can shut up now." Vic replied. 

"I should probably go home." I interjected. "As sad as that makes you all." 

"I thought you'd never leave. Get her out of here." Jaime said. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my keys and walking outside.  

"You're coming to the party tomorrow?" Vic asked, walking me out. 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, babe." I smiled slightly. 

"Goodnight, Jesy." He leaned in for a final kiss of the night. I smiled, waving as I drove away. 


"-so you finally got the girl? Took you long enough." Kellin remarked to Vic.  

"Have you seen that girl? Jesus, I'd have trouble staying married around her." Austin added, earning glares from Vic and Kellin. 

"Gossiping about me already, are we? I know I'm fashionably late, but honestly, I'm the best thing you've got to talk about?" I laughed, wrapping my arm around Vic. They all jumped when they heard my voice, not knowing I'd arrived. Vic was having a pool party today, and of course I was attending. 

"So I hear you know Oli?" Austin asked. 

"I met Oliver when I studied at Oxford. He's a cool dude." I shrugged. 

"Oxford?" Vic asked. 

"Well yeah, it's close to home."  

"Speak French to us." Austin said. 

"Victor semble adorable aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas?" I smirked. 

"That's not fair. I don't know what you said." Vic complained. 

"I got 'Victor' and 'adorable'." Kellin said. 

"If you two are going to be lovey-dovey then I'm going to go get Jaime." Austin warned. 

I laughed. "Go and get him then."  

"French girls are such flirts." Vic shook his head. 

"How many French girls have you flirted with?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"We had a show in Paris." He elaborated quickly.  

I giggled and was about to reply, but got interrupted by Jaime. 

"I'm so tired of you putting your paws on my man, Jesy." He said, hands on his hips. 

"Oh, va te faire foutre et d'arrêter d'être jaloux!" I cried, throwing my hands in the air. 

"What the hell does that mean?" He demanded. 

"Oh, fuck off and stop being so jealous!" I translated. 

"Fuck you, Jesy." He stormed off, laughing. 

"Never a dull moment with Jesy around." Vic remarked.  

"I'm not very dull, am I?" I grinned, looking up at him. 

"Never." He laughed. 

"Jesy!" Kellin yelled. "Come say hello!" 

I walked over to where he was sitting with his wife Katelynne. "Hi, Katie. Hello there, cutie pie." I sat down with Copeland, his daughter. She giggled. "Did you miss me?"  

"She's probably the most adorable human being I've ever seen." Vic said as he joined us. 

"Copeland? I know. She's the best." I cooed, not taking my eyes off the baby. 

"No, you." He said. I felt my skin flush as I slid my sunglasses on. After a few minutes I looked up and Vic was gone. He turned out to be in the pool, waving me over. I bit my lip, looking at all the people around me as I lifted off the sundress I was wearing over my bikini. Finally, I moved close to him in the water. 

"Wow." Vic said, staring into my eyes. 

"What are you-" he interrupted me by quickly putting his lips on mine. I gasped, hearing him chuckle at my reaction. 

"Um. What was I saying?" I asked dizzily. 

"No idea. I was focused on how beautiful you are." He shrugged. I blushed, leaning my head on his shoulder. 

"Are you tired already?" He asked, a smile audible in his voice. 

"You could say that." I smiled sleepily. "Would I be a total party pooper if I took a nap instead of socialized?" 

"I might have to find another pretty French girl-" I cut him off with a kiss, this time making it deeper and more passionate than before.  

"What were you saying?" I whispered huskily in his ear. 

"No idea." He gasped. I smirked, bounding inside. I changed out of my bathing suit and into one of Vic's shirts, remaining in my underwear, and collapsed on his extremely comfortable bed. 


"Good morning, sunshine." I sat up, dazed, god knows how many hours later. I rubbed my eyes, looking at the shirtless Vic beside me. 

"There ain't a thing that you can do that's gonna ruin my night." I shrugged, noticing the darkness. "What time is it?" 

"No idea. Maybe eleven. Nice lyrics, by the way. Who's that song by?" He asked. 

"Some band with a really hot lead singer. Can't quite remember the name." I tapped my finger on my chin thoughtfully.  

"The gossip says that he's currently lying next to a really hot girl who sleeps more than the average person." He added. 

"Oh, is that what they're saying now?" I teased, leaning in. Vic met my lips with his, but then caught me by surprise; he flipped on top of me, pinning me down and pressing his lips to my throat.  

"Not fair." I croaked, dazed by his beauty. 

"Life isn't fair, sweet cheeks." His lips moved up my jawline to my ear, then finally back to mine. My mouth slightly open, he took advantage and traced my lip with his tongue. His warm hand slid slowly up my thigh, then- 

"Oh Victor, your mother called, and- Jesus Christ! What are you kids doing?!" Tony yelled as he entered without knocking. We both looked up. 

"Why are you yelling?" Austin and Kellin came to find out the source of the noise then screamed. 

"I'm too young for this!" Austin yelled, covering his eyes and attempting to run away, instead hitting a wall. 

"Are you just going to stay in that, um, position?" Tony asked. 

"I don't think I ever want to move again. Could you get on with it? We're busy." Vic rolled his eyes, still on top of me. I took this opportunity to free my hands. He glared at me and I smirked.  

Tony continued his news and I shut my eyes. Whatever it was didn't matter to me; I was still tired. 

"Did you really fall asleep on me? It was just getting good." Vic whined once the door shut. I fluttered my eyes open, blinking furiously. 

"Okay, that's cute and now you're just trying to act cute so I'll let you go back to sleep." He argued. 

"I'd go back to sleep whether you wanted me to or not." I said. He leaned down, immediately getting steamy again. 

"Would you really?" He asked, pulling away minutes later. 

"Okay, probably not. Just shut up." I turned over. "Oh yeah, and I'm staying here tonight." 

"Good." Vic wrapped both arms around me and planted a kiss on my head. I could stay here forever.

Picking Up the Pieces (Vic Fuentes)Where stories live. Discover now