Chapter Five

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"Wait here." Vic instructed, throwing me on his bed and walking out. I went to his drawers and got a tank top, changing shirts but leaving my blue tights on.

"Jesus Christ. For fuck's sake, warn a guy before you go all sexy on him." He said when he returned. I laughed, following him downstairs.

"Hi, mom." He answered his phone. I sat down at the table.

"Is this a good time?" Vic's mom's voice came through the speakers.

"Not really." He replied. I watched as he cooked.

"Why not? Are you with a girl?" She demanded.


"Victor Vincent Fuentes!"


"Is she pretty?"

"Of course."

"What's her name?"


"Is she your girlfriend? She is, isn't she? I swear, Vic, you never tell me anything important."

"No, mom, she's not. She's like my best friend." He rolled his eyes.

"Where's your brother?"

"Fuck if I know. Probably partying."

I walked into the living room, collapsing facedown on the couch.

"What the hell are you doing? You're supposed to be keeping me company." Vic's voice said. I opened one eye and he was standing with his hands on his hips, looking at me expectantly.

"I'm tired." I shut my eye.

"God damn it, wake up!" He said.

"Fuck you."

He didn't reply and I drifted off into a deep sleep.


"You had Jesy over?!"

"Yes, idiot. We went out because you were nowhere to be found."

"Vic, is that your girl?"

"He wishes!"

I opened one eye and glared at Mike, Vic, and the other two guys in the room.

"What the fucking fuck is wrong with you?" I hissed.

"Get your ass up. We're going out today." Mike said. I rolled over and ignored him.

"Jesy, we have guests." He added.

"Who?" I mumbled.

"Kellin from Sleeping With Sirens and Austin from Of Mice and Men." He said.

"Hate the band, love the book." I said, sitting up slowly, then frowning. "Wait, no. Like the band, hate the book. Where are we going?"

"Disneyland." Vic said.

"Mike darling, you really need a girlfriend. I get quite tired of being the only female specimen around." I said.

"Kellin is married, idiot." He replied.

"Married? I'd quite like to be married. Maybe have about six little French brats with long hair." I babbled.

"Are you high?" Mike demanded.

"Go away so I can get ready for this little outing." I mumbled.

Half an hour later, after my hair was straight and I was dressed in short shorts and a turquoise v-neck, I slipped on my flip flops and walked downstairs to three men instead of four.

"So, how was your night?" Mike snickered.

"You're such a perv." I rolled my eyes. "You want to know what happened? We went to a movie and then I fell asleep. The end."

"So it was a date." Austin said.

"Three against one? How fair you boys are." I replied.

"You clean up nicely, I'll give you that much." Mike said.

"What did I miss?" Vic walked in.

"We were discussing your sex life." Mike replied.

"Why is that, brother of mine?" He asked as we walked outside.

"Victor, did you see Jesy's hair this morning?" Mike asked.

"That's how she sleeps, idiot. Shut up before I kick your ass back to Mexico. You're driving, by the way."

"You don't get to sit by Jesy, Vic. We have to initiate her." Kellin said.

"Good luck with that. Her sass knows no bounds." Mike interjected. I sat in the middle of the backseat between Austin and Kellin.

"So, you have the hots for little Vic." Austin said.

"That's not fair, he's listening!" I protested.

"So, yes. Where are you from, Jesy dear?" Kellin asked.


"France? The country, France?" He demanded.

"Lyons, to be exact." I added.

"How old are you?" Austin asked.

"25 and eight months."

"Where do you work?" Kellin asked.

"Work?" I scoffed. "I'm working on a phD."

"Rich girl doesn't work because her grandma is Coco Chanel." Mike called.

"No shit?" Austin said. I nodded.

"I model. Well, sometimes." I continued.

"You do?" Vic asked. I nodded.

"Makes sense." He turned back around.

"Is the questionnaire over yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got nothing." Kellin threw his hands in the air.

"She's bomb, huh?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, super dope." Austin said.

"God damn it, Mike! I don't speak street language!" I cried.

"Cool, Jesy. It translates to cool." Kellin said.

"Americans." I rolled my eyes. "I'm only joking; I've live here since I was thirteen. Then I lived in New Orleans."

"Been there." Vic said.

"I'm sure you have, rock star. It's so beautiful. We moved there because we didn't speak much English. I actually couldn't speak English fluently until I was seventeen." I continued.

"Jesy's story time is over. We're here." Mike said. We filed out of the car and into the park.

"If I get scared, you'll have to hold my hand." Vic accidentally-on-purpose bumped into me as we walked in.

"You get scared? No way." I said sarcastically.

"I've about had enough of your sassy mouth!" He threatened.

"You're not going to do anything about it." I taunted him.

He did indeed do something about it. Vic, knowing about my pathological fear of people in costumes, volunteered me to take pictures with every single Disney character we saw, and continued to put them all on instagram.

"You think you're really funny, don't you?" I asked as we walked away from Goofy.

"I supply the comedy." He grinned.

"I hate you." I retorted after failing to think of a better comeback.

"You love him, Jesy, now put a sock in it." Mike said. Vic smirked and I rolled my eyes. The damn Fuentes brothers at their best.

Picking Up the Pieces (Vic Fuentes)Where stories live. Discover now