Dave Escamilla's Last Lunch

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It's a bright sunny day. The clouds are moving, like they should. The birds are chirping, because they are alive and that's what birds do. It seems like the perfect day to work at Popeye's. You are an employee at Popeye's, but not just any employee. Employee of the month to be exact, and regulars here at this very Popeye's are always excited when they receive your service, and you love to give it to them. And one of those regulars is Dave Escamilla. You think he is the most adorable person ever to live. You would pay thousands of dollars to lick his teeth. So whenever you see him, you have the biggest smile on your face, and the weirdest most highest pitched voice you can think of. 

On this day, Dave walks into the Popeye's at exactly 12:52, his usual timing. Oh Dave! Anyways, you walks towards the counter, and upon seeing  you flashes a smile. You can't help but blush as red as the blood that spurts from the necks of the chickens Popeye so slaughters. What a rush. He lays his wallet down on the counter under his hand and not even looking up at the menu, tells you his order.

"Ghost pe-" He begins.

"Ghost pepper chicken with two biscuits, fries and a side of jumbilia. With, spicy blackened ranch sauce." You interrupt him. He smiles.

"Every time" He admits. You give a giggle. You insert the order and begin telling him his price, but he pays you back.

"7.15," He says. You smile.

"You do get it quite often," You laugh. You exchange the currency, and he sits down at his regular seat. You stare at him and then remember you must prepare his chicken.

/  10 Minutes Earlier /

You are working your regular shift, the following scene is not of your reckoning.

"Can I get a $5 Big Box with extra butter for my biscuits!" Crazy old dog lady screams through her car window into the speaker within the drive thru. 10 small puppies, with he curliest hair squirm like worms within her car. Some of them even poop and pee. She quiets them down as the man begins to speak.

"Will that be all, Betty?" Johnny the drive thru tycoon whispers into the mic, "And I'll get that extra butter for free for you."

"Thanks Johnny! Always knew you were chill," Betty whispers back. Betty drives to the pick-up window in her crusty chevrolet. Johnny is there waiting for her with her order, with that free butter.

"Here you go Betty," Johnny offers, "5.62."

Betty takes the box and gives Johnny the money, but as she is doing so, two of her puppies run up her arm into the restaurant.

"You sons of nuns get back here!" Betty yells. Johnny laughs.

"Oh it's fine Betty, I can watch over them." Johnny offers like the polite gentleman he is.

"Oh, thanks Johnny! I really needed the help! Shipping 10 dogs to china is hard to do these days."

Johnny agrees, him and Betty part as she thanks him once more and she exits the drive thru. However, as Johnny turns around to keep an eye on the puppies, they are long gone. He must find them, before anyone else does.

/ Present / 

You walk to the fryer picking up the already battered chicken on your way. You keep your eyes on Dave nearly the whole time. He's just so dreamy. You reach the fryer, and lay down the chicken. You need a a second to breathe while looking at him. He's just so tender looking. You can't snap from your trance, and reach for the chicken. However, you don't reach the chicken at all, you reach the two puppies. You grab them, without your knowledge that they are in fact puppies and plop them into the hot grease. You hear a squeal, but that's a usual in this neighborhood. As the "chicken" are still frying, you look at Dave, you stare at him, you want him. You snap out of it and grab the "chicken" out of the fryer and put it onto the platter with his ranch sauce, biscuits, fries and jumbilia. You walk over to the counter, and call his number within the microphone. 

" Number 2!" You call. Dave gets up from his seat. You smile and look down at the plate you made him. And then, Johnny runs up to you and screams.

"The puppies!" Johnny yelps.

"Puppies?" You ask. 

"Those are - " Johnny starts, but is interrupted by Dave walking up to the counter. 

"Thanks!" Dave says as he takes the tray from your hands. You ponder on what Johnny just said. Then you see it. You didn't serve Dave chicken at all, you served him puppy. You cover your mouth to keep from screaming. You and Johnny look at each other, you about to ask him if they should tell him, but you don't , his face already says the answer. You do not tell Dave. You watch him devour his puppy. Slurping up the eyeballs, even the bones, the skin, that curly hair, those little paws. You are mortified. You can't believe you just fed your future husband puppy. But hey, people in China eat it all the time right? You relax as Dave finishes his meal and walks up to the counter.

"Thanks!" Dave thanks as he slides you a small tip. Must of tasted good. He walks out the door, you look at his butt as his legs move. What a bottom. You look at him, the now devourer of puppies and you know this will haunt you forever, but not as much as what is about to happen. You look as he steps out into the parking lot, and out of nowhere, a plane dives down and cuts Dave right in half from its wing. The two parts of his body, slide off of one another and fall to the ground, It split his stomach in half, showing the contents of the former puppies. You scream, everyone in the restaurant scream, there is only one person that does not scream in horror.

"That's what you get for not taking care of my puppies!" Betty screams as she flies the plane up into the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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