I - Her, Death. His, Despair

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Ciel's POV

"Tha .. thank .. thank y .. you, Ciel .." Those were the last words I've heard from her, just as before she perished in my arms. I hold a stare at those blinking dusts. Pesky dusts! Hands do try to hold these frankling stars.

"Ahhh!!" A spark blazed. Hot! Wait? Hot? E ... Elain? Those sparkling dusts.

"Master." I glimpsed. A mere stare I gave.

"What is it, sebastian?" Sebastian, a butler. His not that ordinary as everyone thinks. His quit a hell one. And I really mean a hell one.

"Here. I managed to cought some of it." The dust. Packed in a small bottle. What is this? And why is thing such a blazed fire killer? Fire .. Fire .. memories start emerging. Nope .. No, Ciel! Don't you dare think about this now!
"Master?" I turned my head to that smirk faced Sebastian. His smirk full of pleasure and curiosity. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.

"Are you alright? This is not usually you, master." Fists were already clutched. Is he too stupid to know why I'm like this? Demons. I narrowed my eyes, creating side lines on my forehead. It took a bit while for me to answer. Not that I'm NOT wanting to answer, it's just .. why is he so dumb sometimes?

"It's .. her." I tap the bottle with my fingertip. Her dusts are in here. HER. I tried to hide the guilt and overwhelming sadness I was having.Tears were treathened to fall but I kept my guard up. Not letting even a single drip drop down to my cheeks.The one I truly lovèd and cared about. The one that I promised to protect untill the very end .. but I failed. I failed to save her. I failed as her fiancee and husband-to-be. Why .. why did she had to go? Why her for goodness sakes?! I gritted my teeth full of rage. She .. she's gone. No more of those smiles .. her cooking .. no more. I stood up. Wobbling feet were my downfall. I tried to walk but that just made my body go to the flow, making it turn to left, then suddenly to the right until I bumped into someone. But before I could answer anything, darkness etch into me. Slowly, I fell into the void of darkness. The last thing I heard was Sebastian calling my name repeatedly.


Darkness filled the atmosphere. When, suddenly a bright light shimmered to a spot on the other side of mine, revealing a girl with fantastic black long straight locks, gorgeous shimmering light blue orbs, pale beautiful perfect clear skin, her face was full of light, like a beautiful angel she was. E .. Elain. Tears started strimming down, flowing like a river. Endless.

"E..Elain?" I stuttered a bit. Just by calling her name made me, shiver in happiness. She turned her head, a smile crept on her face. Her beautiful longing smile. Her smile soon faded as she saw my teary face. I gave out a light smile, even though tears still stained my pale face. I love her. I want her back. She soon started walking towards me. Me, being the impatient one ran to her and without a doubt pulled her into a hug, Tears once again fell as I felt her warm body, close to mine. I missed her. I miss her hugs, her smile, her everything. She hugged me back, putting her one arm on my waist while the other on my back. Her head peacefully resting on my chest. Soon, I felt something warm and watery, soaking into my shirt. She was crying too. I moved my hand and started stroking her hair, like I usually did when she felt sad or on the verge of tears. Her hug tightened, slowly seeping in a bit of guilt in her hug. Her tears became more of a weeping then just flowing down. I too tightened my grip on her. Her lovely flowery fruity scent went through inside my nose, making me yearning for her more, That scent she ammited. HER scent. How can I not miss her? She's special and different. She loosened her grip yet still hugging me. She raise her head, her gaze straight into mine. Our gazes were locked to each other.

"C..Ciel.." Her voice, soothely calling me. I nodded my head, signaling for her to continue. She put a hand on my cheek, caressing it. I put my hand on hers, squeezing it. Her light blue orbs were watery before a slight tear fell.

"I .. I'm sorry, my love." At this, a small smile crept on my face as a second tear from her. I shook my head, squeezing her hand tighter.

"No..Elain. I'm the one who should apologize. I broke my promise to you, love. I said I would have protected you even though it meant on my life but .. I broke it. I .. I-" I was cut off when suddenly her lips smashed into mine. I slowly kissed her back. Our lips moved in sync. Her hand soon hugging my neck, whilst I pulled her closer on the waist. Making our kiss full of passion. We then full of gentleness pulled away, accepting the request of our lungs that screamed for air. A string of saliva connected between our lips. I smiled as I wipe the saliva away from mine and her lips. She smiled sadly at my actions. We were always like this. I treated her lovingly, full of care and love. She would do the same, smiling her magnificent smile at me. She only smiles that smile at me, whilst the others, she would just gave a small smile or an emotionless mess. Since we work for the queen, it's quite essential for that 'emotionless' face. For us, that is. Or else, people will look down on us if we act mere children. Besides, what happened in the past really did gave us a lifetime scar. In the inside and out. On the outside, longly terrifying stab, burn marks. On the inside, a long scar on the heart. Showing how broken we are. My gaze once again made contact with hers. I gently took hold of her hands in mine and kissed her hand softly.

"Elain .. know this. I forever will love you my beautiful rose. I will always remember and cherish you for the rest of my life and .. I .. will find the culprit and make sure they deserve what they had done, especially to you." My voice filled with venom on the culprit part. Not only they have killed others but .. they also have killed HER, my beloved. I will have them pay, I promise to myself. Calmly, she nodded her head.

"Ciel .. know this too, I too, will forever love you. I will remember you and cherish you too." I smirked at her point. Remember? Cherish? Can she .. ? She then gave a questioning look before breaking our bonds and crossing her arms together on her chest. She stared at me with impatient as if waiting for some sort of answer.

"What?" I asked, though i knew the topic she wanted to bring up.

"I know that look on your face means Ciel. You're saying I can't remember and cherish you right?" A wave of shock hit my body hard. How .. how did she? Oh well. I nodded. She gave a sigh and looked at me seriously.

"Who said a ghost or lost soul can't remember and cherish their beloved ones, huh?" I burst into laughter at her question or more as a statement. She looked at me, smiling her beautiful smile before she too laughed as my contagious laugh spread to her.

After we calmed down, her face turned serious again but this time it was deadly serious. She grabbed my hand, putting it on her chest. A fierce red blush crept on my cheeks but I didn't protest.

"Ciel." A shiver ran down my spine as I heard her voice. This time, it was more of a darkened tone than her usual one.


"I have to tell you something, my love." I nodded my head, as to say proceed.

"I .. I Ahhhh!!!" Her piercing scream suddenly filled the atmosphere. I panicked, sweat trickled down.

"Elain? Elain?! Elain!!" I screamed for her but no use. Instead, the piercing scream became louder and louder by every minute. Her body then trembled down, shaking with fear yet still screaming. Then, something horrible happened. Her body slowly showed red slash marks as if there're from a knife, which possibly were. Then, her screams became wails as burn marks start to show up. My eye widened. I tried to help but the faster I ran, the further I felt. It was like the world was turning down on us. Like we deserved the torment without any interference. As my body was pulled I began screaming for her, tears burst out, calling for help. Something I've hadn't done in a long time ago. Still, no use. With all my might, I screamed.


Thank You, Darling. ( Ciel X Reader/OC ) [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now