V - Her, Brother. His, Worry

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- Flashback -

"The witness said the killer had light brown hair and some sort of scar on his neck." Elain slapped her palm to her mouth, covering it. Her face had shock stamped on it. Yup, she guessed it. I remembered a paragraph in the queen's recent letter.

My boy, the last witness saw with her very own eyes who killed her little sister. She escaped and briefly told the scottland yard of her witness in this case. But alas, the killer caught up to his audience and killed her by the blankets. She was strangled with her blankets while she was in protection. Luckily, she had told us before being buried down in the Earth. She somehow said the killer had brown hair thou she stiffened a bit when she mentioned the scar on his neck, probably from the memory.

I sighed. I knew who had those traits but .. I didn't know whether to inform her or not. Elain gasped as she whispered a name I knew too well.

"Brother Eliot .."


"No .. that couldn't be ..!" Elain still had her hand to her mouth. Tears slowly dripped from her eyes before an emotionless mask decorated her face.

Slowly, I went up to her wiping her dried teary face with my thumb, only to be slapped away. Shock struck all over me. Elain never swatted my gesture ever since I've first touched her. What is happening to her? Did I say something wrong or ... Is it .. Because of Eliot?

Everything seemed to stop as Elain suddenly dropped down to her knees, her elbows touching the ground. More tears soon streamed down her soft fluffy pale cheeks. I could hear faint murmurs coming from her.

I kneeled down, hugging her from the back. I thought I was going to get swatted away but to my luck. I didn't. Her fainted murmurs became more clear.

"I'm sorry .. I'm so sorry, Ciel ... Brother .. Please .. Come back .. Please .." My grip became tighter. I leaned closer to her ear.

"Shh .. It's okay .. This was never your fault. I promise we're going to search from scrap .. Okay, dear? And .. I love you .. Don't ever forget that, alright?" I patted her back lovingly. Soon, faint snores could be heard. I smiled. She fell fast asleep.

Gently, not wanting to wake her up, I lifted her up, carrying her bridal style and tuck her in bed. Rest peacefully, my love. I stared at Elain's sleeping form. Her features had a tint of glow, her shoulders were relaxed, her breathes were deep. I smiled as I stand and quietly leave.

Back to the case.

Elain's POV


"Mother!" A voice of a little 3 year old echoed through the wide empty flower garden.

Elain hid in the near bushes, watching carefully. The little girl had dark navy blue hair, like Ciel's and had light blue metallic orbs, just like .. Hers. Wait, is this- she was cut in thought when the 3 year old giggled playfully. Just like how Elain would giggle when she was young. Ah, good memories. Elain's eyes widened to see who the mother is.

It was her.

"Aww, what is it my dear?" Her older self or she could say her 'future' self spoke softly to the girl or she could say her daughter. The girl giggled in joy.

"When will father be joining us, mother?" The woman suddenly had a sad, longing face before smiling to her daughter.

"Your father will be here soon .. H-he's just a bit busy lately, honey. Alright?" The little girl, not knowing her mother's fake smile, smiled brightly and nodded as she ran off to the flower beds. That left Elain thinking, what happened to Ciel?

But before she could think any further, a pitched scream was heard. Behind the bushes, she could see herself ( future self ) crying and screaming. When she turned her head, she saw men in black cloaks taking the girl with them.

What made her want to scream was .. One of the cloak men was her own brother, Eliot.

"No .. " she whispered to herself softly.
"Nooo!!" She screamed loudly.

I want to get out this hell hole!

Thank You, Darling. ( Ciel X Reader/OC ) [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now