II - Her, Call. His, Case

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"Now, brother, honey ( again ? ) I know you would call me ridiculous for saying that I still had a soul but it's true. I still had one. Even though my body was burned and turned to ashes. Just as the reaper was about to reap my almost burned soul, I beg a differ. The reaper smiled at me and said she still had to look up at my cinamatic record, which to I agreed. After she took a look, she said I was needed to live. I did asked her why, but she just smiled and said I have to figure that out myself. But, since I'm bodiless, I will remain as a soul and as you called, lost soul. Since I have no where to go, I went back to you guys."

She ended her sentense with a 'hmp' and looked straight at us with her sparkling eyes. Sebastian and I looked at each other before our gaze went back to her.

Oh god.

Elain's POV

I knew this case was dangerous yet I still risked my life. For I, The Queen's Cat Maiden will always be at service to help solve a case. That night, I still remembered how I died.


That night, Ciel and I disscussed about a plan. The plan was to trap the suspect and hunt it down. But that plan shattered in pieces when she started to bomb up the entire Londan state. And by 'she' I mean Mrs. Turner. The one who killed the recent victim, a new wedded couple, the wife. It appears that she, with still an unknown reason kills the wives of couples after taking their wedding pictures at their shop. So, according to our plan, Ciel and I were going to act as a new wedded couple and we needed to take our picture. A clichè if you think about it but that's all that we could've think of for now. Ciel was constantly saying that it was a bad move but I, on the other hand, insisted on this. I knew the dangers, risks that I've had to take but still .. I need to take that risk. It's not just for me actually but it's actually for a living thing inside of me.

I didn't want this child getting hurt by those wrench criminals that Ciel and I have not yet eliminated. I can't risk my child dying on me. I loved this child. This child that I am now responsible for its safety. This child, inside me was his. Ciel Phantomhive's. My lover, best friend, partner ..'s child. No, our child. I didn't tell him thou. Not that I didn't want to but I was going to tell him when the time seems perfect until a disaster happened that blew my chance away.

Ciel and I wore plain clothes. Clothes that only commoners wore. It wasn't to our taste but we had to wear this so that we could 'fit in'. I wore a plain blue dress, my hair was curled and tied up into a bun. I had a small black stick pinned between my bunned hair accompanied with dark black heels. Ciel on the other hand wore a blue sleeve shirt under a dark black vest and some long dark blueish trousers. He finished it off with some black shoes. Perfect.

"Milady, are you ready?" Sebastian's voice rang outside the door. I smiled as I glanced one more time at my attire. I know it's for commoners but it actually looked quite graceful. I still sometimes wonder why society have different classes of people but still I was grateful being borned off as a noble. My thoughts were again fazzled by a knock on the door. I sighed. It must have been Sebastian. I opened the door only to be greeted with warm arms wrapped around my frame. I smiled and took ahold of his waist, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

"You look lovely as ever." He whispered softly in my ears. His voice was so alluring, gentle .. ah if this was about complimenting him .. I think I could do that all day. Scarlet tinted my cheeks.
"Why, thank you, Ciel. You're not too bad yourself. Just like the first time I fell in love with you." Ciel smugged and tugged me tighter before pulling away, only to give a quick peck on the lips. I giggled as my lips curved into a loving smile. A smile that only I gave him. With everyone else, it depends but I'll usually give them a small smile,

Thank You, Darling. ( Ciel X Reader/OC ) [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now