IV - Her, Help. His, Need

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@- Flashback -

"Huh? What did I miss now?" She blurted out.
"We were discussing when you were just not in here with us." She covered her mouth, shocked of what I told her.

"I'm sorry dear. I was just remembering some old past."
"It's alright. Now, where were we?" Elain smiled at her lover. Her beautiful, mischievious, loving lover. She smiled to herself before frowning, remembering her promise to the reaper.

" .. but soon after you have appreciate them and they are wiling to let you go, I'll reap your soul. Do we have a deal?"

Then, let's make this last life memorable.

Ciel's POV

"So, what's this case about again?" I sighed.

This was the third time Sebastian and I explained to her about the recent case. How can she be so blurred out by this? It was like she was half. Half of her was here as in her memories, her love and all while the other half, her other detective side was missing. How can this be? I mentally facepalmed hearing Sebastian's fourth explanation to her. Well, that's his sister after all. Blood related or not, he still loved her and had been protective over her like a big brother should. After Sebastian had slowly told her again, but this time more detailed, she flickered her light bluish sky orbs at me. With a sad smile, a tear fell from her left eye.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know why .. I can't understand cases anymore." She sobbed as she covered her eyes with her shaking hands.

Again, guilt seeped inside me, I quickly head towards her and lundged in for a hug. Her body stiffened by the sudden touch but gradually became relaxed. I felt the need to comfort her so badly. The guilt from her death was still stained in my heart. Although I could see her but it was still different from where when she was alive. Her lost soul bodiless self was still different from her human self. Tears started forming, making my eyes watery. With a swift move, I wiped them quickly, making sure not to let that demon and my bodiless fianceè saw them. I hated exposing my weaknesses except if I'm all alone, in the middle of night, on bed and just can't shut my eyw lids. Then, I would cry to myseld silently thinking about my long nightmare that I called a life. Thou, when I was sleeping with Elain, I would just hug her tighter if sadness was overwhelming me. Elain, who's sometimes still conscious would always return the hugs and snuggled deeper into my chest. That always did the trick to make me feel strong and peace and finally drifted myself to sleep.

"I'm so s..sorry. I can't help you. Now, I'm just useless to you, Ciel." She repeated those words, tears sometimes chocked her words.

I felt a burning slap in the chest. Sadness, anger, guilt were slowly building up inside me. In an instant, I put a finger to her luscious pink lips. She stopped her tears as she lowered her head down, tears still rolling down to her chin. With gentle, I cupped her cheeks and raised her head. Thou, she looked away. Not wanting me to see the bad mess on her face.

"Elain, look at me." She seemed to be surprised by my stern voice, as she slowly looks at me with red eyes, from crying of course. I caressed her cheeks gently. Her dried tears stained her clear pale face as more rolled down, like an endless cycle,

"I can't. I'm ashamed of myself. I .. I-"

"There's nothing to be ashamed of." I cut her off.

"You're perfect just as you are even if you can't understand cases anymore. I didn't like you for that, love. I love you for WHO you are. The detective side for me was a bonus," I said softly.

Carefully not to hurt her even more. She's such a fragile thing. Thou, that's what made her quite a fitter.

"Now, come on. Let's look at this case in more detailed. Perhaps, that could help." I wiped her tears with my thumb.

She nodded slowly, putting on a smile. Not the one she would always showed me. This one was a sad broken smile. She's covering up that tad sadness inside of her whilst putting on a facade. My heart ached. I don't want her to be sad. If she's going to stay with us, then I wanted her to be happy regardless.
Slowly, I wrapped an arm around her waist and tighten my grip. I hated making Elain sad.

Making her sad would rip my heart a apart. Besides, she the onky one I have left. Even thou, reality speaking she's gone, but now .. I don't know. I'm thrilled she's here with me but .. I got the feeling that all of this will be over.
She tugged on my back as she dropped her head to my shoulder. Her sobs still haven't stopped. They were just quieter.

"Shh .. come on now. Your're Elain Michaelis! You need to be tough. Sebastian and I are here for you. Listen, I won't ever abandon my lover just because she's not into cases anymore. Alright? We will never leave you. We love you so much." I told her in a hushed voice.

There were times when I would use her alternate names. She had 2 alternate names. The first one was her favorite which was Elain Phantomhive. It was her name after marriage. The second was Elain Michaelis. Her name changed to Sebastian's or her brother's last family name. Thou, I called her Elain Michaelis because .. it somehow had a strong vibe at the moment.

She loved her big brother very much. Her love for him was almost big as mine thou I could understand why. She used to have a big brother of her own. I still remembered his name. It was Eliot Watts. She was loved by her big brother until that tragic day. After that, her brother just abandoned her without even turning back. No one knew whether Eloit was dead or alive after that.

So, that's why I had a feeling that using Elain Michaelis had a strong vibe. It was because of the reason of her big brother. Sebastian looked at us with shock written all over his face. He must have thought that I would use the other name or at least ., encourage her in a different way besides using that alternate name.

Elain nodded her head slowly, trying to contain more tears from streaming down her pale beautiful clear face.

- Time skip | 10 minutes -

After calming herself down, she finally said the five words I wanted to hear from her.

"I want to help you, love." Okay, six. A grin flashed on my lips. Now, that's the Elain Watts I know.

"Good. That'll be nice, dear. I need your help anyway." My alluring voice painted her cheeks scarket as she nodded with a spark of joy. Without further actions, we three started to discuss the case.

"Alright. All that we have right now is that the killer only kills girls and ladies around the age of 9 to mid forty's." I started giving a piece of the case. Elain titled her head, trying to get the answers. She suddenly snapped her head straight with her mouth slightly opened.

"Honey, what was the last surviving witness said about the killer?" Her voice was slightly shaking. I raised my eyebrows, curious of her sudden outburst. Does .. Elain knows who I'm thinking of?

"The witness said the killer had light brown hair and some sort of scar on his neck." Elain slapped her palm to her mouth, covering it. Her face had shock stamped on it. Yup, she guessed it. I remembered a paragraph in the queen's recent letter.

My boy, the last witness saw with her very own eyes who killed her little sister. She escaped and briefly told the scottland yard of her witness in this case. But alas, the killer caught up to his audience and killer her by the blankets. She was strangled with her blankets while she was in protection. Luckily, she had told us before being buried down in the Earth. She somehow said the killer had brown hair thou she fazzled a bit when she mentioned the scar on his neck, probably from the memory.

I sighed. I knew who had those traits but .. I didn't know whether to inform her or not. Elain gasped as she whispered a name I knew too well.

"Brother Eliot .."


A/N - Thank you for reading and please comment if you liked it.

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