Christmas with Byakuya

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IchiRuki Christmas

Ichigo and Rukia sat by the Christmas tree in the Kuchiki household. Byakuya sat and watched as he saw how happy Rukia is when she's around Ichigo. Byakuya did not like this. After all, Ichigo was human and did not belong in Soul Society. On top of this, Ichigo calls him by his first name, which is disrespectful considering that Byakuya is a captain of the 13 court guard squads. "Ichigo. Why are you here and not in the World of the Living with your family?" Byakuya made sure he put emphasis on your.

"I told them I was spending time with Rukia," he said, barley looking away from the game he and Rukia were playing. Byakuya scoffed when he heard Rukia laugh at something Ichigo said.

"And who allowed you in here?"

"A guard," Ichigo continued to play chess with Rukia. Surprisingly, he was losing, and it was the first time Rukia has ever played it after being taught once.

"Checkmate!" she said happily.

"C'mon, I think you cheated!" he said and gave her a slight nudge on the shoulder. Byakuya flinched when he saw Ichigo touch her. Rukia laughed again. Although it was just a simple nudge, Byakuya can already see the affection behind it and the affection they show just by looking at each other.

At this point, Ichigo and Rukia forgot all about Byakuya's presence. The game was put away, and the two of them were talking. They were reminiscing, commenting on things, not talking about anything important. Byakuya's scowl deepened.  He noticed the two sitting closer together, so close there knees touched. That was enough to make Byakuya's blood boil.

"Hey Rukia, your gift. Merry Christmas." He handed Rukia a black box with a big giddy grin. She opened it and inside was a beautiful necklace with an amethyst gem that matched her eyes perfectly. She blushed slightly. Ichigo went behind her to put the necklace around her neck. She lifted up her short hair. It took all that he had to not press his lips onto the nape of her neck.

Rukia turned her body towards Ichigo halfway. They stared at each other with the affection Byakuya couldn't help but notice. They inched closer. Byakuya's hand went to the hilt of his Zanpaktō. He thought to himself, If Ichigo makes any sort of move towards Rukia, I'll- Rukia leaned closer to Ichigo and closed the gap between their lips. Byakuya's eyes widened. How can he kill Ichigo now? It'll only make Rukia upset, or even angry. They separated for a short moment, only this time, Ichigo kissed Rukia very passionately. Now Byakuya wondered if it was alright to kill him now. Before Byakuya was able to pull out Senbonzakura, he got a good look at Rukia, and saw the happiness she was feeling. It showed clearly through her eyes, her face. He took his hand off the hilt and reconsidered killing Ichigo.

If you think about, Ichigo isn't that bad of a guy. He's always shown how much he wants to protect something, or someone, especially Rukia. He never gives up on anything. I can't just not like him because he calls me by my first name all the time...

Byakuya cleared his throat causing the both of them to look over. They gasped and blushed.

"By-Byakuya! Uhh... Sorry. I-I promise I'll take care of her!" he stuttered pleading. He was on his knees.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, call me Captain Kuchiki from now on." Ichigo felt a surge of glee. He had on the biggest smile, something that was extremely rare. Byakuya got up from his seat.

"Thank you Byaku- Captain Kuchiki!" Byakuya turned around leaving the two alone. Hoping they did not see the small smile he had on.


Christmas IchiRuki story suggested by: KennyDragonoid99

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