The Real Enemy : 5

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Chapter Five

As we curve around into the loop of the City Circle, I can see that a couple of the other stylists have tried to steal Cinna and Portia's idea of illuminating their tributes. The glowing dolls outfits from District 3, where they make electronics, at least make sense. But what are the livestock keepers from District 10, who are dressed as cows, doing with flaming belts? Broiling themselves? Pathetic.

Peeta and Katniss, on the other hand, are so mesmerizing with their ever-changing coal costumes that most of the other tributes are staring at them.

Gerard and I seem particularly riveting to the pair from District 6, who are known morphling addicts. Both bone thin, with sagging yellowish skin. They can't tear their overlarge eyes away, even when President Snow begins to speak from his balcony, welcoming us all to the Quell. The anthem plays, and as we make our final trip around the circle, am I wrong? Or do I see the president fixated on me as well?

Gerard and I wait until the doors of the Training Center have closed behind us to relax. Danno and Portia are there, pleased with our performance.

A sudden grip around my waist has me jumping, startled as I look up to see Finnick again. His bare body is pressing against mine, and his toga robe has now descended somehow further down his legs and is showing even more skin.

His bottom lip clings to my earlobe as he whispers, "Just thought I'd tell you, you looked amazing out there..."

I nod, "Thank you, Finnick," before defying my disgusting thoughts and elbowing him in the stomach. Although he seems unfazed by my blow, he still takes a step back and smiles.

"Thought it was time I meet your friend, here," Finnick clicks his tongue at Gerard.

"Hey, buddy. Name's Gerard," Gerard steps forward, putting his hand at the crease of my back to try to calm me... but really, it just makes my cheeks flame up more. His other hand is used to shake with Finnick, introducing himself.

Finnick shot a dirty glance at Gerard before dropping his hand and taking a step back. I quickly stepped forward, the feeling of being under his watch giving me chills, and the simple touch of Gerard having me cringe.

"This is Finnick," I introduce him when he doesn't introduce himself.

"It's a pleasure," Finnick smiles, scrunching up his nose in clear disgust.

That's about all the time we get before the Capitol attendants are firmly directing us toward the elevators. I get the distinct feeling they're not comfortable with the camaraderie among the victors, who couldn't seem to care less. As I walk toward the elevators, side by side next to Finnick, someone else rustles up to my side. The girl pulls off a headdress of leafy branches and tosses it behind her without bothering to look where it falls.

Katniss and Peeta join us in the elevator. They walk hand in hand, and I smile at the gesture before I gulp. Finnick takes his hand and laces it with mine. I look over at him, asking in a hushed voice, "What are you doing?"

He shrugs, "Enjoying my time, while I still have it," he smiles. And despite my mental warning sirens, I allow him to.

Johanna Mason is the one who threw her headdress. From District 7 Lumber and paper, thus the tree. She won by very convincingly portraying herself as weak and helpless so that she would be ignored. Then she demonstrated a wicked ability to murder. She ruffles up her spiky hair and rolls her wide-set brown eyes. "Isn't my costume awful? My stylist's the biggest idiot in the Capitol. Our tributes have been trees for forty years under her. Wish I'd gotten Cinna or Portia. You look fantastic," she winked at Katniss and I, before eyeing Finnick and I's hands.

Girl talk. That thing I've always been so bad at. Opinions on clothes, hair, makeup.

Katniss smirks. "Yeah, he's been helping me design my own clothing line. You should see what he can do with velvet," she wiggles her eyebrows sarcastically.

While we wait for the elevators, Johanna unzips the rest of her tree, letting it drop to the floor, and then kicks it away in disgust. Except for her forest green slippers, she doesn't have on a stitch of clothing. "That's better."

We end up on the same elevator with her, and she spends the whole ride to the seventh floor chatting to Peeta about his paintings while the light of his still-glowing costume reflects off her bare breasts. Finnick, on the other hand, looks away and directly at me the whole time.

When she finally leaves, that's when Finnick looks back up and around the elevator. It's finally my floor, and shockingly Katniss and Peeta get off too. "We'll walk you," he smiles.

I glance down at Finnick and I's hands as I start to walk away, and he reluctantly lets go after giving my hand a light kiss. "Goodnight, Gorgeous," he bids as the elevator doors shut and he's suspended onto his floor.

I turn around with wide eyes to Katniss and Peeta who both smile at me. I shake my head, "You guys don't have to do this..." they both look at me, confused, so I clarify. "Pretend we're all buddies, here. I know as soon as the cannon goes off, it's every man for himself."

Katniss stands up a bit straighter, her height suddenly becoming intensely frightening. She still has her hand wrapped in Peeta's, but takes her other one and holds it out to me.

"The best of luck," she nods, and I take her hand, doing a quick shake before stopping and staring at her.

I raise my eyebrows, leaning in, "I know you might have people who Snow can hurt... but I hardly have anyone. So I don't have to pretend to act like Snow is God's gift to Panem," I pause, my eyes drifting to the camera that sits perched on the nearest doorway. It's frame seems to tighten on me, anticipating my next move. "So in that Arena, I'm going to show Panem who the real enemy is..."

"Snow," it's a ghost whisper from Peeta as he stares at me.

Katniss has a smile tug at her lips before she nods, "I can't wait to see it."

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