The Captain

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"Ughhhh" Emily fell onto her bed in frustration. "I told you a million times Kay, I'm scared to."

"Emily, tell me this. What in the world is there to be scared about?"

Emily opened her mouth to say something, but took it back. "I guess you have a point. But what if he's out right now? He might not be able to answer it?"

Kaylee rubbed her chin as she sat on the bed. It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. Emily sat up on her bed cushion, and waited. "Then i won't leave. I am gonna stay here until he texts you back, I won't leave until you feel happy and brave to do that again."

Back at the base in Iraq, Max had just put down some stuff in his room, and walked out to find a muscular and over sized man staring down at him. "What is your name sir?" The man said. Max replied, and the man laughed and spit in his face. "Pathetic, you are. Tell me sloider, why in the world did you decide to join the army??" Max gulped and talked, tripping over his words as he went. "W-well sir, I can honestly say that I'm not exactly sure why." The man chuckled and put his hand on his shoulder. "Son, I can see you're nervous to be here. I had that with another one of my former marines before he passed away. Ahh, Green was the best..."

"Oh, sir! Are you Flynn Roster?"

"Yes, how do you know me?"

"Ohh... Umm... Robert told me to say hai to you."

Flynn stopped. He looked at max and asked how he knew him, and explained the story and the dollar bill. When he finished, Flynn shed a tear and they hung out for a bit before training.

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