Chapter Three - Closer Eye

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Lestat's POV

Ever since Rose was abandoned on her birthday and left to fend for herself. I've been keeping a closer eye on her. Her dad now either leaves her alone or with a nanny who always falls asleep. I tend to visit Rose often now due to her father's inability to spend time with his own daughter.

Each time Rose is left alone or the nanny falls asleep. I go spend time with Rose and keep her company. It seems to cheer her up knowing that she's not alone. 

But one day something tragic happened. I had just left minutes before her father came home and was furious at myself that I hadn't noticed it before. Apparently, the nanny had died in her sleep that day. The body was found after I had left --- by her father. Rose didn't quite fully understand what had happened other than that Nanny Angela went away like her mother had.

The truth however --- was a bit too complicated for a girl like her to understand. What others didn't know was that Nanny Angela had brain cancer and it was just a matter of time before the tumor in her brain killed her.

Her father didn't hire another nanny after that. Rose was now left by herself. Her father also began to work more and more away from home. He was hardly ever around during the week. And when he was home --- he hardly ever talked with Rose. So most of the time --- Rose was left alone. The neighbors check on her now and then though when I can't --- which I am grateful for. During the day, they make sure she's fed and is properly dressed. But even then I noticed something has changed with Rose.

Her life without her father by her side seems to be taking a toll on my Ma Chérie. Sometimes when I arrive in her room she has the saddest look on her face. I try to comfort her and put her in my lap. For awhile she just lays in my lap, not making a sound. But eventually --- she starts to cheer up and smiles knowing she's safe in my arms. When she starts to light up it puts ease on me.

It's been going on like this for awhile now. I hate leaving her side, I'm this close from just taking her away with me. Pluck out the pain that eats away at her heart. It would be so easy just to kill her father and be done with it. But then she pulls my mind away from it when I start to see  that smile light up on her face. 

it's her 12 birthday today. She's growing up so fast and yet her father isn't there to witness it. I can't even remember the last time he was there for her birthday. It saddens me to know how her father isn't even there to watch her grow up. And it sickens me to know that he won't be there to see all of the things that she will achieve. 

I  decided I wanted to surprise her for her birthday ---  take her somewhere new. It's the least she deserves with all that's been going on these past few years. I know she admires almost everywhere  I take her because she's never really been anywhere. Except that bedroom of hers, and school of course. She's a very bright girl --- straight A's. 

She's also developed an even deeper interest in music and literature. She loves to read, it helps her escape reality. But music for her is also a blessing. There isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't have that MP3 player of hers. She's even joined the school choir as well. 

 So today I've decided I'm going to take her to the Broadway play The Lion King  in Chicago. She's always wanted to go see a play in the theater, so I'm going to grant her wish.

As I made my way to her house, I was worried that Rose would be too sad to go to the play. It's been hard on her this past week, her aunt died quite recently and she practically had to beg her father to take her to the funeral. I would have taken her if it wasn't during the daytime. Her aunt was a very humorous woman, her name was Erin. She didn't get to see her much because of her father but when she did she was happy.

When I went into Rose's room she was reading one of her books --- like she always does. She seemed deep in thought. 

"I have a present for you," I said with a smirk on my face. She looked up from her book and then rushed into my arms. 

"Are you happy to see me Ma Chérie," I asked?

"Always." she responded while smiling up at me.

"I have a present for you." I said holding up the book I bought for her. It was called Inkheart.

 "It's beautiful." she said to me gratefully. 

"I'm glad you like it. But that's not all. I also thought maybe we could see the play that you've always wanted to watch." I hinted at her waiting for her response.

"You're lying!" she squealed.

"I'd never lie to you Rose." I said brushing my hand along her cheek. She then rushed into my arms with excitement. I instantly wrapped my arms around her and was captivated by her warmth. 

"Close your eyes." I said softly. She then nodded at me before leaning her head against my chest. After she shut her eyes we started to fly up into the air. My arms were wrapped tightly around her keeping her safe.

When we got to the theater Rose was perfectly mesmerized by the whole thing. The red velvet curtains, the freshly lit stage, the scenes of stories painted on the ceiling above us. She just loved it all. 

"Mind if I pull you back to reality my sweet Rose?" I asked with an amused expression on my face.

"Reality is boring." She responded while laughing slightly.

"Well --- I can fix that." I said grabbing her hand and leading her to our seats.

"Wait ---  why are going all the way to the front?" She asked curiously.

"That's where our seats are." I said with a devilish grin on my face. 

"All the way up there!" She exclaimed with a look of shock on her face. 

"To the very front row." I said. 

"Lestat, you didn't have to do this." She started to protest.

"Nonsense." I responded.

After we got seated, I managed to buy Rose some popcorn for her to nibble on while the show was going on. As soon as the people went on stage and the lights dimmed, Rose was instantly captivated by the scenes and colors that came with watching plays. She never took her eyes off the stage once. Even when she went to lean against my chest --- her eyes were still focused directly on the stage. After the show's breathtaking finale I looked down at my chest and saw that Rose was asleep. So I picked her up in my arms and carried her back home.

After I tucked her under the covers and kissed her on her forehead, she began to wake up for a moment only to say --- "Thank you." But before I could say anything in response her eyes fluttered back to sleep. So I just smiled and made my way home after making sure once more that Rose was safe. I enjoy seeing her happy for once. 

I managed to feed on the way home before retreating to my coffin for a long days rest. It wasn't as satisfying as it had been other times, but I didn't really care. As soon as my eyes fluttered shut I felt a relief swarm over my body knowing I could get some rest. Because Rose was happy --- and safe.

The next few days I had watched over her, I saw that she was constantly reading the new book I got for her. One of those days I had stopped by and asked her read out loud for me. She had this sort of glow and brightness to her when she would read. She has such passion and determination in everything she does. She read that book to me inside and out --- and I was mesmerized by it. She was a bright light in a sea of dark.

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