Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ A Twisted Tale ~

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Slowly, her eyes flutter open. She could feel severe soreness in one of her legs, but she was so disoriented she couldn't tell which. Blood covered her body and she had cuts and bruises all over. Her clothes were torn. Her neck ached horribly and she could feel her flesh hanging. Slowly, she rolled over and pushed herself upward. Her muscles throbbed with every movement. She reached up and clenched onto her neck where the skin sagged against her collarbone. It wasn't bleeding badly, but it hurt.

She jumped, hearing a noise. It was dark out and she had no idea where she was or how she had gotten there. She didn't know how she had gotten the bruises or what had done this to her. She was more than confused. Her body felt exhausted and she was terrified. Badly, she wanted to get out of these woods and to some place safe. She didn't feel safe just sitting there; it was like she was waiting for someone to come for her.

Climbing to her feet as steady as she could, she grabbed onto a tree to support her weight. Her leg hurt, but she knew it wasn't broken. Maybe she'd pulled a muscle. She let the moon guide her way through the woods as she limped from tree to tree. Tears came to her eyes from the pain she was in. Every move she made brought a new spasm of pain through her body.

The last thing she could remember was talking to her mother. Well, arguing with her mother about... What was it? Marriage. They were arguing about her getting married and she stormed out. But how did she get in the woods? She lives in the heart of New York, nowhere near greenery. Where could she be?

Looking up ahead of her, she spotted a dark figure looming in the darkness. It looked like some type of shelter. Without thinking, she hurriedly stumbled toward it, running from the dark of the spooky night. She was starting to become very faint and she just needed a safe place to rest without feeling like she was being watched. As she neared, she realized the object was a cottage. Sighing in relief, she limped over and pushed the door open. It was small, of course, and opened up straight into the living room. There was a small couch and two small reclining chairs. The rug under the chairs was dirty from feet and food. A fireplace sat off to the side with a shelf of different pictures.

Ignoring all this, she turns to her left down a hall in search of a bathroom. She opened the first door and luckily it was the bathroom. She rummaged through the cabinet looking for a first aid kit, but couldn't find one. She grunted, frustrated. She needed something to clean her wounds. Who didn't keep bandages around?

She grabbed a cleaning cloth and turned the hot water on. She looked into the mirror at herself and just as she had suspected; she looked horrible. Her long, curly blonde locks were in disarray and dirt covered her face. Her eyes seemed to be sunken in and her skin looked extremely pale. Dry blood and filth caked her neck, chest, and shirt. She could see the tear in her skin on the side of her neck and noticed it was still bleeding.

Quickly, she presses the cloth to it. A hiss escaped her lips at the pain and she whimpered. Walking out of the bathroom, she gravitated toward the front of the house and into the kitchen, hoping to find something to hold the cloth. There was duct tape on the small round table, so she grabbed it and snatched off the amount she needed. Putting more pressure on her wound, she carefully placed the tape over the cloth. Sighing, she sat down in a chair to rest.

Her eyes landed on a plate of spaghetti and her stomach grumbled in starvation. She felt like she hadn't eaten in days. Whoever left it here couldn't have been that hunger, right? It wouldn't hurt to just try it, right?

Shrugging, she dug in. The spaghetti was delicious. The best she had ever tasted or maybe it was just her hunger saying that. Either way, she was enjoying herself. Before she knew it, she had gobbled down all three plates on the table and she was stuffed.

Exhaustion seemed to take control of her body and she stood up to leave. Being the clumsy idiot she is, she managed to trip and fell back onto the chair. It collapsed underneath her weight and the force of her fall. She groaned in pain. That had not helped her at all, she was already hurting enough. Slowly and fully awake now, she climbed to her feet and made her way to the door. Steadily, she walked down the hall and opened the door across from the bathroom. It was a bedroom and it was filthy. She closed the door and opened the next. It was cold, much colder than the first. The last room was perfect. It wasn't cold at all and only a few pieces of clothing were scattered around. As soon as her head hit the pillow, her eyes started to flutter, but little did she know that the three bears who lived there were only minutes away.

Slowly, the three bears made their way home. The darkness laid out in front of them and the moon shined high in the sky helping to guide them. One bear walked ahead of the other two. It's fur was as dark as the night and it's blue-brown eyes glowed slightly. It's legs bulged with veins and pure muscle. The next bear was dark brown and his eyes were a murky, dark blue. He wasn't as strong as the first, but he was built sturdily. The last was the smallest. His eyes were a soft brown and his fur was the color of dark sand.

Unconsciously, they started to shift back to human form as they neared their small cottage. But froze in transformation state when they realized that they hadn't left the door open or the lights on. The black bear stepped forward and pushed the door fully open. Surely enough, someone had been in their home. The beasts roared territoriality, but stopped short when they heard a soft gasp... No one uttered a sound and they quietly walked in. They heighten their senses in caution and began to search. The frantic beat of a heart and soft ragged breathing could be heard from down the hall.

The girl had heard the unmistakable growl and now her heart was racing with fear. She didn't know what to do. What was that? She was sure there had been more than one. What would they do? Would they eat her? Was she going to die?

Quickly, the girl scrambled to her feet and searched around. The window. Hurriedly, she made her way to the window and stepped up on the desk under it. With sweaty, fumbling hands, she tried to unlock the window. It wouldn't budge. The girl whimpered, she could hear heavy breathing outside the door. She would be caught.

Giving up on the window, she reached for the closest thing to her for protection. It was a keyboard. The girl didn't care though. As long as she hit the thing hard enough, she would have time to run. Hopefully, all three of them wouldn't come together, or else, she would be out of luck. Slowly, the knob twist. The girl tightens her grip. The door bangs open and reveals three large figures. They look human, but as she steps closer, she realizes they aren't. Hair covered their entire bodies and their eyes glowed. Their faces looked strong, but not very human. The girl knew she could never defeat all of them. She was doomed and no one could save her. Slowly, the keyboard dropped from her hands to the floor below and her body followed soon after drowning in the darkness.

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