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Rohan had been sitting in that house for two days. She was beginning to go stir crazy staying inside all day and night like a prisoner. She felt sick to her stomach and she didn't know why. Even when she ate she still felt like she was going to be sick. She was tired of herself. Everything in her mind had to have something complicated attached to it. She didn't like to move because her body was still sore, but she also didn't like staying in one place all day. She didn't have anyone to talk to when the boys left to hunt or whatever and it didn't seem smart for her to let her brain wonder. She groaned, feeling a sense of deja vu. Had she gone stir crazy before?

Rohan groaned again and stood up from the couch. She started to pace as thoughts filled her mind once again. It wouldn't hurt to go out for just a minute, right? But what if Nicolai found out? He would be angry. He had told her to stay inside and not to go anywhere. He wouldn't mind if she stayed near the house, right?

She didn't want to upset him though. She had no idea what he would do. Although she was sure he wouldn't physically harm her, she didn't want to take any chances. If she was being honest, she was scared of him. He was always glaring and had some rude comment to make, but other times he seemed bipolar. He would be nice and actually talk to her without hurting her feelings. They would have little moments, but then he'd throw his guards back up so fast it gave her whiplash.

With a shake of her head, she stumbled toward the door. Her hand hovered over the knob for a long twenty seconds before she bravely yanked the door open to the awaiting out doors. It was bright out, even under the canopy of tall, leafy trees. The sun seeped through the cracks of the leaves and warmed up her chilly skin. A light breeze wafted through the clearing and Rohan sighed content. She took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air. Plopping down on the slightly wet ground, Rohan examined the view. Little bunnies hopped off to various places and butterflies fluttered pass. A soft melody chirped through the air and Rohan was happy to escape the ringing in her ears. Everything looked so surreal.

That is until a big burly black bear came charging from the woods. Rohan screamed and scrambled to her feet clumsily trying to run into the house. She could hear the bear's heavy breathing behind her when a hand grabbed her arm. Her neck wrenched over to the culprit only to see an angry Nicolai. She glance over her shoulder to where the bear had been, but it was gone.

"I thought I told you to stay inside." Nicolai snapped pushing Rohan through the now open door. He slammed it shut behind them and towered over her menacingly. His glare remained hard as Rohan looked anywhere but his face.

"Um," she decided to change the subject. "So, that bear was you? It was pretty big, I totally forgot you were a shapeshifter. You know-"

Nicolai cut her off. "Shut. Up." He shook his head. "You just don't listen, do you?"

Rohan frowned slightly starting to get angry herself. Why couldn't she go outside? "I just wanted some fresh air."

"If you would stop breathing, the air would be fresh." He snapped. Rohan glared angrily, but didn't have a comeback. She wanted so bad to kick him in the throat, but refrained from it.

"You're really starting to irritate me, you know that?" She glared trying to make hers as forceful as his with little success.

Nicolai scoffed. "As if I care. Don't leave this house again, or else."

He started to walk down the hall, but Rohan wasn't about to let him get off that easy. "You're not the boss of me!" She yell at his back. Another sense of deja vu passed through her, but she ignored it. Now was not the time. She also ignored how childish it sounded even to herself.

"You're in my house, so that means you listen to what I tell you." Nicolai continued to walk as if she were irrelevant, and to him, she probably was. He probably didn't want her here anyways.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ A Twisted Tale ~Where stories live. Discover now