Chapter 8

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April shot back, retracting her fingers from the space between her and Draco. His cold fingertips had reached for hers and succeeded. Feelings of dejection poured into Draco but April shook her head as she noticed how hurt he looked.

"I don't feel sentiment," she whispered, "I don't do things like this."

"What?" Draco mumbled back, dumbfounded, "Everyone's got feelings, April. Even I do."

"I'm not like you," April hissed. She was offended that Draco put it like that. He didn't know her.

"But you're exactly like me," Draco said quickly, moving closer to her again. She shuffled away but he grabbed her wrist and said, "We're both Slytherins. We have extremely similar traits, one of which is most likely loving to pretend that we don't feel. We do, though. There are some things in this world, that no matter how hard we try, won't go away."

April's eyes flashed and she was seeing him again. It wasn't the Draco that was really in front of her though. It was an older, sobbing Draco, with his sleeve pulled up. April didn't recognise the tattoo etched into his skin and was certain he didn't have it in real life. But... what if what she was seeing was real life?

Draco's pale skin contrasted with the dark ink which displayed a snake and a skull. Across from him was Professor Dumbledore, his white-grey hair swaying in the gentle breeze. Dumbledore attempted to lift his wand but within seconds, Draco disarmed him. They began to talk about the Vanishing Cabinet, which April concluded was the one she saw in the other vision of Draco. After a little more conversation between the two, Draco said, "I don't want your help. Don't you understand? I have to do this. I have to kill you, or he's gonna kill me."

April's eyes shot open and the first thing she saw was Draco. He was leaning over her with an expression of obvious panic. He blurted out, "What's going on?"

"N-nothing!" April choked out, sitting up straight. She couldn't tell him, and even if she wanted to, how do you tell someone you just saw them moments before they probably murdered their headmaster?

"Are you sure?" Draco asked quizzically, clearly not convinced. April nodded shyly, standing up and preparing to leave.


"Stay here!" Draco demanded a little too abruptly.

"I... I don't understand," April sighed. She plonked down beside Draco again, looking at him pleadingly, desperate for answers.


"I have visions, Draco..."

"Of what?"

"Um, I-I can't say."

Draco looked disappointed but nonetheless supported April. He didn't know why he was so naturally nice to her. Draco just didn't have it in him to be cruel to the fragile girl in front of him.

He told her soothingly as he rubbed his fingers across her knuckles, "Well, if you can't tell me, you'll have to tell Dumbledore."

"Why?" April begged. "He's going to judge me, he's-"

"Dumbledore doesn't judge," Draco intersected, determination striking his features. "You looked upset when you snapped out of it."

"But, Draco, I don't understand why this means I have to tell-"

"I don't want to see you like that again."

April nodded. She didn't understand Draco's motives still but the seriousness in his voice revealed everything. She had to tell Professor Dumbledore.

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