Prolog - My Boyfriends Girlfriend

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- Evans POV -

I was dying. I was definitely and literally dying.

Hell, in my whole life - which was obviously a quite short life since I was DYING at the age of just sixteen - I had never been so sure of anything.

So while my breath was becoming short I did nothing but to watch my hair silently floating around me and wonder just what exactly I had done wrong to deserve such a death. But well, to understand that I suppose we would have to go back a few hours.

Three to be exact.


Happily I cuddled against the chest of my boyfriend as he watched his football match on TV. I wasn't exactly a football fan; to be even more precise I just hated sports. Every kind of team sport. Whether baseball, football or even things such as tennis. I just hated it all.

But well, if my boyfriend wanted to watch his match I wouldn't be kinky. At least not as long as I could still cuddle. A happy smile creeped on my face when suddenly a girl appeared in the doorway. Her mouth drooped open when her gaze came across us and she began to yell.

"What the hell are you doing with my boyfriend?!"

She shouted angrily, stormed toward us and pulled me away from my man. Being caught off guard I wasn't even defending myself when she pushed me to the ground. Only at that point did her words reach my head and I dropped my gaze on my boyfriend. Way too shocked to respond. But he just looked to the floor - unable to see me in the eyes - and rushed to the girl. Gently grabbing her arm and turning her toward the door.

"Please leave for now." he said in a quiet voice looking her in the eyes forcefully.

"But I will come back, Mason."

She shoot me one last glare but finally left. At that time I had found my voice again and got up.

"What was that just now? Why was I thrown around by a girl for hugging you? How the hell did she even get in here? The door was looked!"

I could clearly see him swallow and my anger faded as fast as it came, being replaced by something else. Fear. Did I really want to know? That girl called him her boyfriend!

"Uhm... Well, with her key."

The fear sank even deeper.

"Why would she have a key?"

"We've been going out for a while now."

He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I really didn't want you to find it out like that! Evan, please believe me. I just couldn't bring myself to hurt you. You're such a nice guy! See? I don't even deserve you..."

I felt water burry my sight as tears began running down my face.

"That's my decision to make, isn't it?"

Desperately I searched for a reason for him to lie. Anything that would tell me that this wasn't true. But inside I already knew. That's the reason he wouldn't tell me he loved me anymore. The reason why he wouldn't sleep with me. Because he had a girlfriend.

I felt my stomach rebelling against those thoughts and suddenly I felt unbelievably sick. But I knew it was true. I just knew. So I turned around and ran outside. More and more tears blurred my vision so I was more blind than seeing when I stumbled forward. I didn't know where I was running through I didn't really care. So when I came to a stop I found myself at the cliff nearby.

Normally at our small town there were long beaches everywhere. This was the only cliff that reached above the sea. Careful not to slip I moved toward the edge and looked above the sea. The sun had already sat, yet the sight was more than beautiful.

And even above the great pain inside of my chest I felt a small tug toward the nightly dark sea. As if I would feel better if I let the cold water embrace me. Confused by my own thoughts I tripped backward, when a noise let me spin around completely. There was no one else but HIS girlfriend standing behind me. I still got ill thinking about that and new tears started running down my cheeks.

"Don't worry. I already broke up. He's all yours now."

I choked at the words, yet I still had to say it. Even if it hurt like hell.

"I don't care anymore. I will just see to your absence myself."

She said with an evil green. Next thing I knew was that my feet no longer touched the ground and the breeze was getting colder.

Then I hit the water.

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