Chapter four - Above the sea

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- Sereshyns POV -

My heart jumped with joy when I saw my little one nod. I knew that I had practically forced myself onto him but if that was needed to let me stay by his side then I would do so. I was really excited all of a sudden. I would be living with this cute little boy! Yet I still pulled away from him. Now and of all places here wasn't the right time to start anything.

My little boy looked dazed for a few seconds, before he huffed and stepped away from me. He was obviously pouting, yet he didn't take back his word so he couldn't hate the thought of me living with him that much, could he?

"We should get to the shore, there are a few rocks beside the cliff which can't be seen from the beach."

Simply nodding, I still smiled like crazy. I hadn't felt this happy in quiet some time and I was already reaching out for him when he dodged me looking over to the beach.

"I can walk from here, it's not that deep anymore."

He began to walk to the direction of the cliff. I really wanted to grab him now and kiss him, but I let it slip because he had kind of a reason to be pouting. I admitted it.

First I could easily keep up to him but when the water became shallower I struggled all the more to reach the chore until I gave up swimming with a deep sigh and tried to pull my heavy tail forward with my arms. It seemed like I had to find another way out of the water.

- Evans POV -

I had nearly reached the beach when I finally looked back and noticed that Sey wasn't following me anymore. He was still too deep in the water as that he could dry but not deep enough to keep swimming. I quickly walked back to him letting the cold water surround my legs again.

„Is there a way I could help?"

Even I noticed how uncertain my voice sounded. But I couldn't help it! I just felt so damn nervous around him and at the same time I never felt this safe before. He looked up at me still smiling so damn sexy. It was soo not fair that he could get anything he wanted when he just played a bit nice.

„I will try another way, just go back to the shore and warm up."

I simply nodded and waded back. I wasn't in the mood to argue, I was still pouting. I mean not that I had anything against him living in my house, not at all... Beside I would loose an argument anyway. I just had to look him in the eyes and was already lost completely. When I reached the sandy beach I looked back but couldn't spot Sey anymore.

Had he changed his mind in the end and swam back? I felt really sad at that thought. Just why the heck did I have those feelings for someone whom I had just met a few hours ago? It was a bit creepy, to say the least. I mean he did save my life yet again he wasn't even human. He was a merman.

But hell, he was sexy all the same! Just were had my brain gone off to? I began to act really unreasonably here. Suddenly I saw a glittering shadow swimming toward me real fast. I was already about to jump away when Sey shoot out of the water and slid onto a huge rock a few feet away from me.

"Told you I would find another way." He shouted eagerly. He looked like such a child right now obviously waiting for me to praise him.

"Nice jump." I stated chuckling a bit. He began to pout immediately.

"Are you laughing at me?" Really such a child. I climbed on the rock patting his head when I had a stable stand.

"Of course not. I would never do that."

His pout became even deeper when suddenly his arms snapped around my waist and I was pulled down to his chest. If I had even the slightest bit dried before, I was wet all over again now. I squeaked at the cold water and quickly pushed him away while laughing.

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