Chapter eight - Forgive and Forget

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- Sereshyns POV -

I walked towards the kitchen with an full boner in my pants. My little one was really alluring in the morning. But I couldn't be more happy than this. He accepted me as his mate! I mean he hadn't actually said it, but he said he liked me and that was everything I needed at the moment. Everything else was going to come later on. I was sure of that.

A small smile crept onto my lips when I heard him toddle after me into the kitchen. I leaned against the table and let him go past me since I still didn't know too much about living on the lands, but I was determined to learn about it. I just didn't plan to leave Evey anytime soon... Or ever again.

Being in love with him like this already I highly doubted that I would leave his side longer than necessary ever again. I watched intently when Evan pulled a few eggs out of the fridge and put them together in a bowl with some other things I didn't know yet. When he was stirring the dough he finally turned around to me again.

"We're going to eat pancakes. I'm sure you will like them."

Evan had a huge smile plastered on his face and it was nice to see him happy after having seen him sad or upset almost the entire time before. Beside there was no chance in hell I wouldn't like anything he made. I had already learned yesterday that Evan was obviously a good cook.

After we had finished eating - Evan had stared at me the whole time to make sure I really did like the pancakes and didn't only say it to please him - my little one put the dishes into a thing he called dishwasher.

Everything on land seemed so complicated but I made sure to suck up every tiny detail he told me. He just closed its door when he turned around and looked at me with such an serious look on his face that I felt how the smile on mine was washed away. I suddenly had a worrying feeling in my gut and I was right. Because next he asked me whether he could go to Mason by himself.

"You see, I just need to pick up some things. In and out. Nothing more." He looked away for a split second, most likely sensing my opinion to that matter, before he saw me in the eye with a pleading look.

"I just want to be able to deal with this on my own, Sey. I really hate it to depend on others so much, when I know I can manage by myself. Please?" I couldn't help but hesitate. I so much didn't want him to go on his own while I knew that Mason was still after him.

Yet I also didn't want to hurt my little boys feelings by practically telling him I didn't trust him enough to  let him go alone. It wasn't even like that! I simply didn't trust that Mason. "Fine." I finally sighed. Which right did I have to hold him here after all? The smile he gave me after that made it wet anyway.

- Evans POV -

I smiled unbelievably glad that he would let me go on my own. It was a really pleasant feeling to know that even through Sey was possessive over me he would let me take care of my own business.

"Don't you dare show that face off to Mason." Sey suddenly growled making me jump a little and staring up at him in confusion when he walked up to me.

"Why? What's wrong with my smile?"

"Nothings wrong with it..." Sey mumbled when he took hold of my ass heaving me onto the kitchen sideboard to press his lips hard to mine. Nearly instantly did I melt in his arms and had long forgotten my question when he parted us, our lips still connected by a small thread of salvia.

"But I would be worried that he jumps you if you do." I just nodded obediently, not able to do much more at the moment since an jealous Sey was just so so sexy.

Only when he released his grip on my ass - to my utter distaste, I might add - did I get that I had just promised him something without any clue whether I had done the same if he didn't touch me or not.

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