Chapter five - Mason

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- Sereshyns POV -

I really didn't like the fact that we would have to go to that guys house. And he would get to see my little boy shirtless, too. Which led me to even darker thoughts. How far had they gone in their relationship? Evan seemed nearly overbearing innocent, yet he looked everything else then naive. So had that mason had sex with my boy?

Then again, if it went after Evan he wasn't even mine yet. Jealousy burned deep inside me. Maybe I should just kidnap him and take him down with me, I knew there was a way to make him able to live underwater. Or at least if he really was my mate and I didn't doubt that for even a slight second. There was no way I would feel like this for a boy unless it was him.

My thoughts were disturbed by a loud knock and I noticed that we were standing in front of a little houses door. Had I really paid that less attention that I didn't even notice getting here? Great, real great.

I had never been a jealous type before but when a tall guy opened the door and promptly wrapped his arms around Evan I nearly burst with it. I was already going to jump him, when my little boy shoved him off himself.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Yet the man didn't seem to let him go.

"Hell, Ev, do you know how worried I was?! You forgot your keys and everything else and didn't show up to get them for nearly two days!" Now Evan pried the guys arms off him wholly.

"Well, why don't you ask your pretty little girlfriend where I have been?" His voice dripped venom, while the other guy - Mason as I assumed - simply looked confused.

"What are you talking about? Why would she have known?" I was proud of my little one that he didn't cry yet the hurt look in his eyes still didn't go unnoticed from me.

"That bitch pushed me off a cliff! If it weren't for Sey I would be dead by now!" Mason paled visibly and quickly pulled Evan into another hug.

"I had no clue! Oh thank god you're alright, Ev."

This time I couldn't hold back my jealousy and pried his arms off of my boy, which earned me an irritated look.

"Uhm, well, thank you I assume? But what exactly are you doing?"

I could feel how cold my face must have looked right now, but I didn't care much as I scooped Evan closer to me. I was also bothered by the fact that Mason had an short cut for Evan, Ev. That sounded terrible, not even nearly cute enough to fit my little one.

"Well, after I had to save Evan from your girlfriend I didn't think it was save to let him come here by himself." I could see anger build up in Masons eyes and tightened my grip around Evan, but Mason was smart enough not to let it out.

"Well, your worrying was completely useless. I would never let Evan get hurt by anyone." He turned his attention toward my little one and looked him deep in the eyes.

"Beside I really regretted letting you leave that day, Ev. I broke up with that girl as soon as she showed up here. So will you please forgive me? I'm begging you, Ev."

Anxiously I waited for my little boy to answer. Would he get back together with someone who cheated on him with a girl? Did he in the end love Mason enough to forgive him? Mason also seemed to await Evans response with a pleading look in his eyes. I could see that Mason was honest when he said that he loved Evan.

However, no one could love Evan as much as I did. Yet I also knew I would have to let him go if he wanted to get back together with this man. He slowly squirmed out of my grip and stepped closer to Mason. I felt my heart break while I waited for his words.

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