Chapter one - Rescued

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- still Evans POV -

So there I was drifting in the water and watching my hair float around me. My lungs really burned by now and as the shock eased panic began to rise in my chest. I wanted to scream and kick all around me. But I couldn't even see the surface anymore, so I forced myself to stay motionless.

I knew better than to waste the bit of breath I still had in an desperate attempt. Yet another part of myself screamed at me to just end this suffering. In an last effort of despair I looked around still searching for a way to get out of the dark water. But there was no such way. Just a shadow slowly cornering me.

A groan nearly slipped out of my mouth. Great. I couldn't even be left alone while drowning. I still had to get eaten by some shark or whatever. But well, I suppose it's alright since I'm at least worth anything and if it's just as meat for a hungry soul.

Really, a voice asked in my head. So it's okay if I just eat you up?

I hadn't realized that I had pressed my eyes shut so when I pulled them open now I was shocked to look in a pair of piercing blue eyes. Startled I pulled back and accidentally released the last few air bubbles in the process. Immediately I began to choke on the entering water and struggled, until I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me against a muscular chest and lips fiercely pressed to mine.

A velvet tongue slipped over the corner of my mouth too perplex to react I just stiffened while still looking into those blue gems. When I still didn't move I felt a smirk against my mouth and my eyes widened surprised when my bottom lip was bitten down on. Hard I might add.

I quickly opened my mouth, no longer able to think straight. Immediately a tongue slipped in and explored my mouth eagerly, accompanied by fresh air. Quickly I grabbed the neck of the person in front of me - I noticed randomly that it was a guy who kissed me and cheered silently. - when I brought him even closer to my body and greedily swallowed the air.

I have to admit you really taste good.

The same voice as before interrupted my thoughts, when the guy - merman - finally pulled away, so that I could see his whole face now. He had pale skin, the fullest red lips I had ever seen on a man, sharp features and of course those beautiful deep blue eyes which were surrounded by long silvery shimmering hair. Also there were fin like things at the side of his head instead of ears, which where the color of a light blue.

Slowly I let my gaze wander down his body, half excited yet also half afraid of what I would see. He had broad shoulders, a muscular chest and a very yummy looking eight pack. But what I actually was searching for joined only later.

There was a rather long bluish fish tail attached to his lower hips. It was really beautiful and I couldn't help but stare. The tail was shimmering in a very light blue, covered in scales with white pearls attached here and there and ended in an even lighter and somehow fluffy looking blue fin, which was also decorated with the same pearls. It looked awesome, yet to my honest regret it didn't look half as gay as it sounded. What a pity...

- Unknown Mermans POV -

He didn't answer my teasing but looked slowly down my body. A small smirk crossed my lips when his gaze lingered on my muscles for a bit but when he slowly looked down I began to feel nervous. What if he was afraid of me? Or even worse: If he found my tail disgusting?

I couldn't know what a human would think about me since it was forbidden to show oneself to humans or even go near the shore yet I just couldn't have let him die. He looked so beautiful lingering in the water there. He had been drifting in the water with closed eyes looking somehow mystical with those light brown hair that looked nearly black in the dark water surrounding him. His sight had been so dazzling that I had nearly missed the fact that he was drowning.

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