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Happy late thanksgiving!


Sorry,the person you are trying to reach is not available at this time ple-

I threw my phone back on the kitchen counter and sighed.Khalil was suppose to be here over an hour ago to come get me and K so we could go to mamas house for thanksgiving dinner.

I groaned,while I wait for him I might as well finish wrapping up the pies I made.

After I finished wrapping the last pie I went to go check on K.He was still knocked out on the palette I made for him.

"Baby are y'all ready" Khalil asked as he walked into the living room fully dressed.

"Khalil where the hell were you?"I asks with a attitude.

He smacked his teeth and waved me off,"I told you earlier I had shit to handle so don't start"

With a roll of my eyes I turned on my heels and went to go get K's MK baby bag and my purse and phone.

"Khalil go in the kitchen and grab the pies,they're inside of that box on the counter"

I carefully carried a sleeping K in my hands and headed outside to Khalil's car of the day.

After I strapped K in his car seat I hopped in the front and turned the heat up a little,this New York weather wasn't no joke,and I couldn't afford for us to get sick.

Khalil got in the car and pulled off,as much as I wanted to be mad at him I couldn't.

My man was so fine,thank you lord for taking your time on him.

"Man scar I know I look good but you don't gotta stare baby" he muttered.

I smacked my teeth,"boy please"


"Hi baby"Mama kissed my cheek and pulled me into a hug.

I smiled,"hi mama,how are you?"

She sighed and grabbed K out of my arms,"tired girl I was up all night cooking and preparing and I didn't have no help either,psh girl"

"Mama you could have called me I would have came over and helped"

I loved cooking,so I wouldn't have had a problem if she asked me to come over and help her.

Mama smiled,"I surely will be calling you up for Christmas then"

I lightly laughed,"ok mama"

"Scar where is my baby?"I looked back to see Mel walking up to me with a cake plate in her hand.

"Mama has him"

She shook her head,"I should have known"

"Mel I'ma steal her for a minute"Khalil came over and grabbed my hand,"My aunt Gracie wants to meet you"

I nodded,every since we've met mama Khalil's has been coming over here everyday to meet and catch up on his relatives that flew down to come visit mama,and he just happened to be here when his aunt Gracie,mamas older sister came down,they instantly clicked,he loved the lady.

"Aunt Gracie this is my girlfriend and also the mother of my child Scarlet"

She turned around and gave me a warm smile,she was so beautiful. She had skin the color of roasted peanuts,
long black hair,and a body to die for she truly didn't look a day over thirty.

"Oh she's so pretty,hi baby it's a pleasure to meet you although I feel like I already know you due to how much Khalil speaks of you"

I looked over at Khalil and he shoot me a wink as aunt Gracie pulled me into a hug.

Khalil let my hand go and left me alone to talk with his aunt.

She's so nice,I see why Khalil likes her so much.


"yo Dmitri this is my brother Khalil" Khalif introduced me to a man who looked to be my age.

He nodded "what's up man I'm Dmitri Mamas nephew I guess that would make us cousins" we dapped up.

"Khalif was telling me about you,told me he be whooping yo ass on the court son"

I smacked my teeth,"hell na man Khalif ass not even bout that life if anybody ass be getting whooped on the court it's his"

"I figured that yo,Khalif ass ain't never been good at ball be missing the goal and shit"He cracked on Khalif.

Khalif smacked his teeth

"Forget y'all man y'all ain't about to bash me,I'll whoop both of y'all asses"

I loved my brother to death man but I will personally hand him his ass on that court,ball is not life for him.

I spoke up," aight bet,tomorrow meet me at my house and we will see who bout it"

"Man I hope you got an In door court cause black people and cold don't mix bruh" Dmitri said as he sipped on his drink.

I laughed and nodded my head "yeah man I got an indoor court"


Sasha downed her fifth drink as she looked around the almost empty bar.

Her life was a mess as of now and she was trying her hardest to get it back on track.

She wanted to have a real relationship with her sons and she tried so hard to do that,but they wouldn't even give her the time of the day to listen to what she has to say,well at least Khalil wouldn't.

So here she was,trying to numb her pain by drinking her life away.

"Ma'am I don't think you need anymore drinks" the tall young bartender said as she cleaned down the counter.

Sasha lazily nodded her head.

She was truly way pass her limit....


Happy late thanksgiving to all of my wonderful readers!

Sorry I'm not updating that much and I know I lost a lot of readers from not updating seeing that my votes & comments went down tremendously!

But I'm back & I'm better (lol) so tell your friends & your friends,friends to come on back my way and read vote & comment please.

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