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I stopped in front of the coffee shop, got out my car and went in.

It wasn't long before I heard a familiar voice.

"GIRL WE OVER HERE!" Frank waved.

Everybody in the shop looked over at Frank. I giggled. Than I ran over towards the table.

Gerard, Ray and Mikey frowned. I sat next to Ray and crossed my arms. "What's my surprise?"

"I got you a coffee!" Frank clapped handing me a cup.

"Haha, he's kidding. We just got a call from Brian, he's says we're going on tour." Gerard said.

I groaned. "When?"  "Two weeks." Ray added. A little silence fell. Until I broke it; "Hey, you guys kinda wanna come back to my place?"

"For a slumber party?" Mikey scoffed.

I gasped like I was offended and put my hand on my heart. "Of course not! A mature adult party." I said.

"Hmm, we don't know," Frank leaned on his left arm and looked at the ceiling. "What do you say Geezy Bear?"

Gerard looked at Ray and he nodded. "Okay, but on one thing."

"Anything for you my lovely." I batted my eyes.

We basically had the whole entire shop looking at us again out of silence.

"You bring snacks."


Me and the guys got up from the table and stormed out the door hopping up and down like a bunch of little kids.

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