Chapter 11.

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✿Ryan's POV✿

"...I'm sorry to inform you that Chanel has terminal lung cancer. Unfortunately it is a very serious condition and there's not much we can do. We will test for chemotherapy with your consent but it will be your decision. Again, I am so very sorry," the doctor remarked as her face held sorrow. I couldn't feel anything. I heard my moms cries and I saw my dad trying to keep it together. My grandparents clung together weeping. 

Sean's face had confusion and shock mixed together. His cheeks were flushed and I saw the tears he struggled, but failed to keep back as he ran his fingers through his hair. I blocked everything out. I stood up and walked towards the exit to get fresh air. The moment my foot met the concrete I took a deep breath. Memories from the past few days rushed throughout my mind. I put my hands in my back pockets and felt the slow breeze against my skin. I needed to see her.

I stepped inside and looked around too see everyone in the same position as I left them. I walked towards the doctor and asked to see her. She agreed and led the way. I stepped in the room and I was immediately overcome by the bright lights. I didn't bother paying attention to my surroundings as I looked down at my sister. Her eyes were closed and she looked pale. She looked a little smaller than I remembered. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes were tinted with red  and her hair was a nest over her head.

She turned her head and gave me a weak smile. "Hey bro bro," she croaked out. I'm not sure she knew how weak she looked or how weak she really was. Thoughts pondered around my head and I came to the realization that she had no idea about her diagnosis. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she questioned with a weird look across her face. I stifled a fake smile and changed the subject.

"How do you feel?" I asked her with sympathy in my voice. She crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out causing me to chuckle. "I'm guessing that means better?"

"Yeah but I hate having this thing in my nose. If I take it out though, it's hard to breathe and I don't know why," she huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. I held in my gasp as I saw how pale and thin her arms looked. How are they so thin within two days? Has she been thinning this whole time without me noticing?

"Well Mom and Dad probably wanna see you so I'm gonna get them."

"Okay family, hurry back. It's boring in here."

My jaw clenched and I walked out of the room. I went to find Dr. Sullivan immediately. I ran through the halls until I finally spotted her.  I grabbed her arm and looked her right in the eyes.

"Excuse me, is there a problem?" she responded at my touch.

"Why doesn't she know? Her hearts gonna be broken! She thinks everything's okay right now and it's not!" I yelled. I let go of her arm
and scoffed as I walked back to the waiting room. I approached my parents, grandparents and Sean, letting them know that they should see her. The tears had died down a little bit. We waited to go back in so Dr. Sullivan could tell Chanel what was going on. I grabbed my mom's hand and prayed for the best.


✿Chanel's POV✿

I had taken a small nap when the sound of someone coming inside my room woke me up.  It was a little hard to open my eyes oddly enough, but I got them open. When I fully opened my eyes, I saw Ryan looking down at me. He was a disaster. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were all red, his lips were chapped, and stress was written all over him. Dried tears covered his cheeks.

"Hey bro bro," I managed to say. My throat still hurt so it came out somewhat hoarse. His look of concern startled me, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

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